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[英]How to retrieve weblogic domain home?

hi guys I want to retrieve the name and path of the domain of weblogic from my start up class. 大家好,我想从我的启动类中检索weblogic的名称和路径。 how can i achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?


Java EE: ServletContext with a Listener can use getRealPath("..."), provided you let your deployment be not as war (where there are no files), but for instance as unpacked war. Java EE:带有Listener的ServletContext可以使用getRealPath(“ ...”), 前提是您不要让部署像战争一样(没有文件),而例如像解压缩战争那样。 Otherwise getRealPath would yield null. 否则,getRealPath将产生null。 Try getRealPath. 尝试getRealPath。

I haven't confirmed this, but you may be able to get at this information using an Application Life Cycle Listener . 我尚未确认这一点,但是您可以使用Application Life Cycle Listener获得该信息。

An example here . 这里有个例子。

You can get a AppDeploymentMBea from the ApplicationContext in the ApplicationLifecycleEvent . 您可以从ApplicationContext中的ApplicationLifecycleEvent获取AppDeploymentMBea AppDeploymentMBea has an InstallDir . AppDeploymentMBea具有一个InstallDir

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