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[英]Bind function on template creation in Ember.js

I have a Handlebars template that needs to have a javascript function run on its creation. 我有一个Handlebars模板,需要在其创建时运行javascript函数。 Is this possible in Ember/handlebars? 这在Ember /车把中可行吗? Specifically, it is a partial that creates a "status bar" with a percentage and a certain amount of the bar filled up. 具体来说,它是一个部分,它创建了一个“状态栏”,状态栏填充了一定百分比和一定量的栏。 I already have a working function for this, I just need a way to have it run for all the status bars (there are many on the page) when they load. 我已经有了一个有效的功能,我只需要一种在加载所有状态栏(页面上有很多状态栏)时运行它的方法。

I would wrap your progress bars in an ember component. 我会将您的进度条包装在ember组件中。 Then use didInsertElement to trigger your function. 然后使用didInsertElement触发您的函数。 Additionally you could scope to that particular progress bar instance. 另外,您可以将范围限定在该特定进度条实例上。

App.ProgressBarComponent = Em.Component.extend({
  someFunc: function(){
  myFunc: function(){
    console.log('this component is', this.$());

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