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为什么iAd在模拟器和设备测试中效果很好,但在App Store上发布后却没有出现?

[英]Why did iAd work well on simulator and device testing, but didn't show up after released on App Store?

I set up iAd by adding self.canDisplayBannerAds = YES; 我通过添加self.canDisplayBannerAds = YES;设置iAd self.canDisplayBannerAds = YES; in ViewDidLoad method. 在ViewDidLoad方法中。 I tested it on simulator and iPhone 4 device. 我在模拟器和iPhone 4设备上进行了测试。 It worked well. 运行良好。 But after i released on App Store, iAd didn't show up on the specific view controller. 但是当我在App Store上发布后,iAd并没有出现在特定的视图控制器上。 Why is that happened? 为什么会这样呢? Thanks!! 谢谢!!

If your app has been released today or yesterday, it's normal. 如果您的应用是今天或昨天发布的,那是正常的。 The ads dont show until a few days after the first release of your app. 在您的应用首次发布后的几天内,广告才会展示。

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