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[英]OpenCV Circle/Contour Detection Python

I am currently having issues correctly detecting circles in the image bellow (pre-processing), the output can be sporadic for the times that it will show the circles semi correctly (post-processing). 我目前在正确检测波纹管中的圆(预处理)时遇到问题,在可能半正确显示圆(后处理)的时间内,输出可能是零星的。 The image is taken live via a webcam feed at 800*600 resolution, then passed through a bilateralFilter which helps get rid of a few false negatives (I tried a GaussianBlur but it would go extremely slow at times....). 图像通过800 * 600分辨率的网络摄像头实时拍摄,然后通过bilateralFilter传递,该图像有助于消除一些假阴性(我尝试过使用GaussianBlur,但有时会变得非常慢。。。)。

After that it gets changed to grey then passed through the HoughCircles function to provide the output provided. 之后,将其更改为灰色,然后通过HoughCircles函数提供所提供的输出。

I have looked at the contours function, but i haven't found that good of documentation to figure out what each variable pertains to, if that makes sense (at least for the python functions). 我已经看过轮廓函数,但是我没有找到足够的文档来找出每个变量的含义(如果有意义的话)(至少对于python函数而言)。

I would appreciate any and all help to make this more accurate as the end goal is to take known sizes of the holes and convert that to see if the distance between the circles is off for quality control testing. 我将不胜感激,这一切都有助于使它更加准确,因为最终目标是获取已知尺寸的孔并将其转换以查看圆之间的距离是否适合质量控制测试。 (and to check if a circle is not removed ie not there). (并检查是否没有删除圆,即不存在)。




CODE: 码:

import cv2
import os
import math
import numpy

minRad = 50
maxRad = 75

b1 = 2
b2 = 5
b3 = 5

c1 = 5
c2 = 200
c3 = 50
c4 = 100

bw = 1

vc =cv2.VideoCapture(0)
if vc.isOpened():
#       vc.set(10,10)
    rval, frame = vc.read()
    rval = False

while rval:
    rval, frame = vc.read()
    blur = cv2.bilateralFilter(frame,b1,b2,b3)
#       blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(frame,(5,5),1)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(blur, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#frame
#       edges = cv2.Canny(gray, 200, 20, apertureSize=3)#80 120 3
    edges = gray

    circles = cv2.HoughCircles(edges,cv2.cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT,c1,c2,param1=c3,param2=c4,minRadius=minRad,maxRadius=maxRad)
    print "\n\n"
    print circles

    if circles != None:
        circles = numpy.uint16(numpy.around(circles),decimals=1)
        for cir in circles[0,:]:
            if bw == 1:
                #draw outer circle
                #draw center
    if bw == 1:
        cv2.imwrite('/home/kasper/test/test.jpg', edges, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 90])   
        cv2.imwrite('/home/kasper/test/test.jpg', blur, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 90])
    ch = cv2.waitKey(10)

    if ch != -1:
        print "keypressed"
        print ch

Circle Detection Output: 圆检测输出:

[[[ 652.5         507.5          62.45398331]
  [ 282.5         522.5          57.36288071]
  [ 102.5         342.5          52.84410858]
  [ 462.5         327.5          67.7089386 ]
  [ 697.5         242.5          52.52142334]
  [  82.5         547.5          52.50238037]
  [ 307.5         167.5          63.04363632]
  [  92.5         137.5          67.79749298]]]

[[[ 287.5         522.5          52.616539  ]
  [ 647.5         507.5          57.50217438]
  [ 472.5         337.5          67.7089386 ]
  [  87.5         512.5          67.78273773]
  [  82.5         292.5          67.64983368]
  [ 687.5         212.5          52.5594902 ]
  [ 302.5         162.5          67.88593292]]]


you can detect holes using this code: 您可以使用以下代码检测孔:

import numpy as np 

import cv2

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt


filteredContour = []

img = cv2.imread('circle.png')

grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

binaryImage = np.uint8((grayImage < 100) *1)

binaryForContour = binaryImage*1

for iteration in range (0,len(contour)):

    areaOfContour = cv2.contourArea(contour[iteration])

    if areaOfContour >= 5000:


        cv2.drawContours(img,filteredContour, -1, (0,255,0), 2)


The image is not clear. 图像不清楚。 If the lighting is proper it will work . 如果照明正确,它将起作用。

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