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加快Python Numpy代码的速度

[英]Speeding up Python Numpy code

I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

big_k = gabor((height * 2, width *2), (height, width))
for r_slice in range(0,radialSlices):
  r_pixels = r_slice * radialWidth
  for a_slice in range(0,angularSlices):
    a_pixels = a_slice * angularWidth
    k_win = big_k[height - r_pixels:2*height - r_pixels,width - a_pixels:2 * width - a_pixels]
    result = np.sum(img * k_win)

img is a uint8 array of 640x480, and big_k is complex64 1280x960. img是一个640x480的uint8数组,而big_kcomplex64 1280x960。

This code amounts to 1024 640x480 matrix multiplications and a cast to complex64. 此代码总计1024 640x480矩阵乘法,并强制转换为complex64。

This code takes on the order of 2 seconds to run on my macbook; 此代码大约需要2秒才能在我的Macbook上运行; I'm looking to try and get a speedup of the order of 100x. 我希望尝试获得100倍的加速比。 What can I do? 我能做什么?

What you're doing looks kind of a like a convolution, so I'd recommend trying to implement it using a convolution operation. 您正在执行的操作看起来像是卷积,因此建议您尝试使用卷积操作来实现它。 Convolutions can be computed very efficiently with an FFT-based approach, and are implemented in SciPy as scipy.signal.fftconvolve . 可以使用基于FFT的方法非常有效地计算卷积,并在SciPy scipy.signal.fftconvolve其实现为scipy.signal.fftconvolve

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