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[英]“Cannot find table 0”

I have a button, with an event onClick(), when I press down the button it Should add in two different tables (Seuil and Notifier). 我有一个带有事件onClick()的按钮,当我按下按钮时,它应该添加到两个不同的表(Seuil和Notifier)中。 This is My code 这是我的代码

Button Code : 按钮代码:

//Here I instanciate my Connexion class Where I fill the data table and the data set


//Here I verify if the table Seuil has already a similar record 

if (con.verifierExistance("Seuil", "idSerieMateriel", DropDownList1.selectedItem) &&
    con.verifierExistance("Seuil", "idMagasin", DropDownList2.selectedItem))

// If exist, do an update

    con.charger("update Seuil set qteMin ='" + txtQteMin.Text + "', qteMax ='" + txtQteMax.Text + "' where idMagasin='"+DropDownList1.selectedItem+"' and idSerieMateriel ='" + DropDownList2.selectedItem + "'", true);
    //if not Insert a new one
    con.charger("insert into Seuil values('DropDownList1.selectedItem', 'DropDownList2.selectedItem', '" + txtQteMin.Text + "', '" + txtQteMax.Text + "')", true);

//and in the end, it should add a row in the table 'notifier'
con.charger("insert into Notifier(matricule, qteMin, qteMax, typeMateriel, Serie, idMagasin, date) values('10', '" + txtQteMin.Text + "', '" + txtQteMax.Text + "', '" + cmbType.SelectedItem + "', '" + cmbSerie.SelectedItem + "', '1', '" + DateTime.Today + "')", true);

My class connexion 我的班级联系

public void charger(string query, bool variable)
    commande = new SqlCommand(query, connexion);
    dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(commande);
    dataSet = new DataSet();
    if (variable)
        dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];

The function that verifies the existance of a similar code 验证相似代码是否存在的函数

public Boolean verifierExistance(string tableName, string primaryKey, string textBoxValue)
    charger("select * from " + tableName+ " where " + primaryKey+ " ='" + textBoxValue+ "'", true);
    if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
        return false;
        return true;

And the error 和错误

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Cannot find table 0.

Ligne 61 :         if (variable)
Ligne 62 :         {

Ligne 63 :             dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];
Ligne 64 :         }
Ligne 65 :     }

The problem is you cant get a dataset when you update or insert a row in db, you will get it only when you select data, 问题是,当您在db中更新或插入行时无法获取数据集,只有在选择数据后才能获取数据集,

In this case your 在这种情况下

dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); DataAdapter.Fill方法(数据集);


charger 充电器

function will be empty 函数将为空

hence it throws a error when you try to access the 1st table at 0th index 因此,当您尝试在第0个索引处访问第一个表时,它将引发错误

I found it, I just don't know why I didn't pay attention to it, the probleme was a small 'true' that had to be changed with a 'false' in my query 我找到了它,我只是不知道为什么我不注意它,问题是一个小的“ true”,必须在查询中将其更改为“ false”

con.charger("insert into Seuil values('DropDownList1.selectedItem', 'DropDownList2.selectedItem', '" + txtQteMin.Text + "', '" + txtQteMax.Text + "')", FALSE);

Thank you very much for your time, help and effort ^_^ <3 非常感谢您的时间,帮助和努力^ _ ^ <3

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