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[英]Soft warnings in WebStorm with Dart

I don't get soft warnings correctly displayed in WebStorm with Dart plugin. 使用Dart插件在WebStorm中没有正确显示软警告。

See attached screenshots 查看随附的屏幕截图 在此处输入图片说明

Warning is displayed on mouse hover, however, the code itself does not get highlighted which makes it hard to spot such a warning. 鼠标悬停时会显示警告,但是代码本身不会突出显示,这使得很难发现此类警告。

Is this a bug, or I have just missed some of the WebStorms configuration options? 这是一个错误,还是我只是错过了一些WebStorms配置选项?

Not a bug, but a usability issue. 不是错误,而是可用性问题。 Please vote for WEB-11854 请投票给WEB-11854

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