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[英]WebStorm and Dart autocomplete

I have been trying to figure this out for a few hours now with no result. 我已经尝试解决了几个小时,但没有结果。 I am doing some tutorial in trying to learn Dart. 我正在尝试学习Dart的一些教程。 For some reason, my IDE does not seem to autocomplete like the instructors do. 由于某种原因,我的IDE似乎无法像讲师那样自动完成。 Anybody has any idea if there is any settings I should turn on? 有人知道我应该打开任何设置吗?

On the left, is the video and on the right is what I am getting. 左边是视频,右边是我得到的。 In this case, I am not getting any @overide ... 在这种情况下,我没有得到任何@overide ...


这是一项相对较新的功能,请确保使用最新的Dart SDK 2.0.0-dev版本之一。

Also don't forget to add the Dart support for your project because the language is not automatically selected : 另外,不要忘记为您的项目添加Dart支持,因为不会自动选择该语言:

In Settings, go to Languages & Framwework, select Dart and verify the Dart SDK path is correct. 在“设置”中,转到“语言和框架”,选择“ Dart”,然后验证Dart SDK路径是否正确。

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