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[英]json passing to D3

I am trying to load data into a D3 script but have difficulties getting the data prosessed in the Dendogranm example. 我正在尝试将数据加载到D3脚本中,但是在Dendogranm示例中很难对数据进行处理。 The data comes from the server as follows: 数据来自服务器,如下所示:

d3.json( [{"name": "flare", "children": [{"name": "analytics", "children": [{"name": "cluster", "children": [{"name": "AgglomerativeCluster", "size": 3938}, {"name": "CommunityStructure", "size": 3812}, {"name": "HierarchicalCluster", "size": 6714}, etc

The following error occurs in the cluster creation: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'depth' of undefined" 在群集创建中会发生以下错误:“未捕获的TypeError:无法设置未定义的属性'depth'”

var nodes = cluster.nodes(root),
    links = cluster.links(nodes);

So d3.json is not the proper construct. 因此d3.json不是正确的构造。 I assume this must be changed to 我认为这必须更改为

var flare = [{"name": "flare", "children": [{"name": "analyti ...

var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("transform", "translate(40,0)");

var nodes = cluster.nodes( flare ),
  links = cluster.links(nodes);

var link = svg.selectAll(".link")

Kinds regards supporting me. 亲切的问候支持我。

I experienced this same error, it was because I was trying to define a pack layout without setting the width and height properly. 我遇到了同样的错误,这是因为我试图定义包装布局而没有正确设置宽度和高度。

If your cluster variable was defined like: 如果您的cluster变量定义如下:

var cluster = d3.layout.pack()
  .size([width, height])
  .value(function(d) {
    return d.values;

That should work for you. 那应该为您工作。 d.values would refer to a size (number) d.values将引用大小(数字)

I believe that flare also needs to be an object instead of an array. 我相信, flare也需要成为对象而不是数组。

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