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如何用ANTLR4解析XSD Regex的语法?

[英]How to parse grammar of XSD Regex with ANTLR4?

Dear Antlr4 community, 尊敬的Antlr4社区,

I recently started to use ANTLR4 to translate regular expression from XSD / xml to cvc4. 我最近开始使用ANTLR4将正则表达式从XSD / xml转换为cvc4。 I use the grammar as specified by w3c, see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/#regexs . 我使用w3c指定的语法,请参阅http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-2/#regexs For this question I have simplified this grammar (by removing charClass) to: 对于这个问题,我已将此语法(通过删除charClass)简化为:

grammar XSDRegExp;

regExp            :     branch ( '|' branch )* ;
branch            :     piece* ;
piece             :     atom quantifier? ;
quantifier        :     Quantifiers | '{'quantity'}' ;
quantity          :     quantRange | quantMin | QuantExact ;
quantRange        :     QuantExact ',' QuantExact ;
quantMin          :     QuantExact ',' ;
atom              :     NormalChar | '(' regExp ')' ;       // excluded | charClass  ;

QuantExact        :     [0-9]+ ;
NormalChar        :     ~[.\\?*+{}()|\[\]] ;        
Quantifiers       :     [?*+] ;     

Parsing seems to go fine: 解析似乎很好:

input    a(bd){6,7}c{14,15}

However, I get an error message for: 但是,我收到以下错误消息:

input    12{3,4}

The error is: 错误是:

line 1:0 mismatched input '12' expecting {, '(', '|', NormalChar} 第1:0行的输入'12'不匹配,期望{,'(','|',NormalChar}

I understand that the Lexer could also see a QuantExact as the first symbol, but since the Parser is only looking for a NormalChar I did not expect this error. 我知道Lexer也可以将QuantExact视为第一个符号,但是由于解析器仅在寻找NormalChar,所以我没想到会出现此错误。

I tried a number of changes: 我尝试了一些更改:

[1] Swapping the definitions of QuantExact and NormalChar. [1]交换QuantExact和NormalChar的定义。 But swapping introduces an error in the first input: 但是交换会在第一个输入中引入一个错误:

line 1:6 no viable alternative at input '6'

since in that case '6' is only seen as a NormalChar and NOT as a QuantExact. 因为在那种情况下,“ 6”仅被视为NormalChar,而不是QuantExact。

[2] Try to make a context for QuantExact (the curly brackets of quantity), such that the lexer only provides the QuantExact symbols in this limited context. [2]尝试为QuantExact(数量的大括号)创建上下文,以便词法分析器仅在此受限上下文中提供QuantExact符号。 But I failed to find ANTLR4 primitives for this. 但是我没有为此找到ANTLR4原语。

So nothing seems to work, therefore my question is: Can I parse this grammar with ANTLR4? 因此似乎没有任何效果,因此我的问题是: 我可以使用ANTLR4解析此语法吗? And if so, how? 如果是这样,怎么办?

I understand that the Lexer could also see a QuantExact as the first symbol, but since the Parser is only looking for a NormalChar I did not expect this error. 我知道Lexer也可以将QuantExact视为第一个符号,但是由于解析器仅在寻找NormalChar,所以我没想到会出现此错误。

The lexer does not "listen" to the parser: no matter if the parser is trying to match a NormalChar , the characters 12 will always be matched as a QuantExact . 词法分析器不会“监听”解析器:无论解析器是否尝试匹配NormalChar ,字符12始终将匹配为QuantExact The lexer tries to match as much characters as possible, and in case of a tie, it chooses the rule defined first. 词法分析器尝试匹配尽可能多的字符,如果出现平局,它将选择首先定义的规则。

You could introduce a normalChar rule that matches both a NormalChar and QuantExact and use that rule in your atom : 您可以引入同时匹配NormalCharQuantExactnormalChar规则,并在您的atom使用该规则:

atom              :     normalChar | '(' regExp ')' ;
normalChar        :     NormalChar | QuantExact ;

Another option would be to let the lexer create single char tokens only, and let the parser glue these together (much like a PEG ). 另一个选择是让词法分析器仅创建单个char令牌,然后让解析器将这些令牌粘合在一起(很像PEG )。 Something like this: 像这样:

regExp            :     branch ( '|' branch )* ;
branch            :     piece* ;
piece             :     atom quantifier? ;
quantifier        :     Quantifiers | '{'quantity'}' ;
quantity          :     quantRange | quantMin | quantExact ;
quantRange        :     quantExact ',' quantExact ;
quantMin          :     quantExact ',' ;
atom              :     normalChar | '(' regExp ')' ; 
normalChar        :     NormalChar | Digit ;
quantExact        :     Digit+ ;

Digit             :     [0-9] ;
NormalChar        :     ~[.\\?*+{}()|\[\]] ;
Quantifiers       :     [?*+] ;

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