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[英]ANTLR4 Grammar extraneous / mismatched input error

I would like to declare a string which contains any character in my grammar, but doesn't works. 我想声明一个字符串,该字符串包含我的语法中的任何字符,但是不起作用。

Here is my grammar: Syrius.g4 这是我的语法: Syrius.g4

When I run it, I got the following error: 运行它时,出现以下错误:

$ grun Syrius program
string test = "testString";
line 1:6 extraneous input ' ' expecting ID
line 1:11 mismatched input ' ' expecting ';'

What could be the problem with the grammar? 语法可能有什么问题?

Explanation 说明

Your token STR : .; 您的令牌STR : .; will match any character. 将匹配任何字符。 STR is defined before WS lexeme thus, it will consume all the whitespace characters instead. STR是在WS lexeme之前定义的,因此它将代替所有空白字符。 When parsing string test = "testString"; 解析string test = "testString"; the lexer will produce sequence of these tokens: string , STR , ID , ... and so on. 词法分析器将生成这些标记的序列: stringSTRID ,...等等。 But the parser is looking for a declaration rule which consists of string , ID , ... tokens. 但是解析器正在寻找一个由stringID ,...标记组成的declaration规则。


Define STR token properly. 正确定义STR令牌。 Use this token in declaration parser rule: declaration解析器规则中使用此令牌:

STR : '"' .*? '"';
// (...)
    : 'int' ID ('=' INTEGER)? ';'
    | 'string' ID ('=' STR)? ';'

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