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Json作为可写Scala Play框架

[英]Json As Writeable Scala Play Framework

I am trying to take an http request and send it to another service. 我正在尝试接受http请求并将其发送到另一服务。 I want to use the json sent from the first POST and send it on to the next service. 我想使用从第一个POST发送的json并将其发送到下一个服务。 The problem I am having is turning the POST data as json and put it into a new POST but it is not Play's type Writeable . 我遇到的问题是将POST数据转换为json并将其放入新的POST但它不是Play类型的Writeable

Here is the code: 这是代码:

def postProxyParse(proxyUrl: String) = Action.async { request =>
    var url = buildUrl(request.uri)
    val data = request.body.asJson
    if(url ==""){
      badRequest(null, "Url Not matching proxy possibilities")
    WS.url(url).post(data).map { response =>

The Error I am getting is Cannot write an instance of Option[play.api.libs.json.JsValue] to HTTP response. Try to define a Writeable[Option[play.api.libs.json.JsValue]] 我遇到的错误是Cannot write an instance of Option[play.api.libs.json.JsValue] to HTTP response. Try to define a Writeable[Option[play.api.libs.json.JsValue]] Cannot write an instance of Option[play.api.libs.json.JsValue] to HTTP response. Try to define a Writeable[Option[play.api.libs.json.JsValue]]

Hi so the point of this was to create a proxy service to redirect post requests with a specific url. 嗨,所以这一点是创建一个代理服务来重定向具有特定URL的帖子请求。 The answer to this problem is: 这个问题的答案是:

  def postProxyParse(proxyUrl: String) = Action.async { request =>
val url = buildUrl(request.uri)
var data = Json.parse(request.body.asText.get);
if(url ==""){
  badRequest(null, "Url Not matching proxy possibilities")
WS.url(url).withHeaders(  "Accept" -> "application/json",
  "Cookie" -> ("sessionId=" + request.cookies.apply("sessionId").value)).post(data).map { response =>

The full code for a scala proxy service is here Scala代理服务的完整代码在这里

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