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Excel VBA将滚动器添加到窗体控件组合框

[英]Excel VBA Add a scroller to Form Control Combobox

I was wondering is anyone knows how to add a scroll bar to a form control combobox thats on my excel sheet (not in a user form), because I currently have 40 items in the list and it just goes off screen and I have to use the up and down keys to scroll the list, also is there away to set the length of the list so it a small list with a scroll bar? 我想知道是否有人知道如何将滚动条添加到我的excel工作表上的表单控件组合框(而不是用户表单中),因为我当前在列表中有40个项目,并且它刚离开屏幕,我必须使用使用向上和向下键滚动列表,还可以通过设置列表的长度来设置带有滚动条的小列表吗?

I have 1200 of these combobox in my workbook, so I hope there is a generic way to apply this to all combobox's 我的工作簿中有1200个这样的组合框,所以我希望有一种通用的方法可以将此组合框应用于所有组合框

Many Thanks 非常感谢


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