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通过php和使用$ vairables保存xml数据

[英]saving xml data via php and using $vairables

I have seen many questions on here regarding saving data to xml and I have managed to create a form that does so (thanks guys who asked and answered), there is only one minor blip 我在这里看到了许多有关将数据保存到xml的问题,并且我设法创建了一个这样做的表单(感谢那些问和答的人),只有一个小问题

Here is the code so you know what I mean 这是代码,所以您知道我的意思


function insertxml($Iname,$Iurl)
    $doc = new DOMDocument;
    //$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    // we want a nice output
    //$doc->formatOutput = true;

    $root = $doc->getElementsByTagName('bookmark')->item(0);

    $title = $doc->createElement('url', $Iurl);
    $domAttribute = $doc->createAttribute('name');
    $domAttribute->value = ('$Iname');
    $newtitle = $root->appendChild($title);

    echo 'Wrote: ' . $doc->save("bookmark.xml") . ' bytes'; // Wrote: 72 bytes


$Name = $_POST['name'];
$Url = $_POST['url'];


and the form looks like so: 表单看起来像这样:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Xml Reader</title>

<form action="index.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
URL: <input type="text" name="url"><br>
<input type="submit">


the code works fine however when I put 'Test' in the name box and ' http://test.com ' in the url box it comes out like this: 该代码可以正常工作,但是当我在名称框中输入“ Test”并在URL框中输入“ http://test.com ”时,结果如下:

<url name="$Iname">http://test.com</url>

What i would like is 我想要的是

<url name="test">http://test.com</url>
<url name="(what ever name I put in the name box)">(what ever name I put in the url box)</url>

ultimatly what syntax should i put for the following?: 最后,我应该为以下内容使用哪种语法?:

$title = $doc->createElement('url', $Iurl);

remove the quotes from your variable 从变量中删除引号


should be 应该


then remove the braces as they are not needed, too (there is nothing to group): 然后也删除不需要的括号(也没有要分组的内容):


should be 应该


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