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[英]plot 2D colored based on column value

Running a simple plot, trying to plot two columns of 2D data based on conditional of one column. 运行一个简单的图,尝试根据一列的条件绘制两列2D数据。

Table <- read.csv("Del.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
plot(DEL$PAST, DEL$ACTV, col=ifelse(is.na(DEL$PAST), 'blue', 'red'))
dput(DEL, "foo")

I see 我懂了

PAST = c(-3.68, NA, NA, 74.67, 147, 
233.47, 371.26, NA, NA, NA, 72.1, 72.1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, ...

So why plot comes out all red? 那么,为什么情节全变成红色了?

As pointed out in the comment, the NA's don't plot. 正如评论中指出的那样,NA不作图。

set.seed(1)    # for reproducible example
DEL <- data.frame(PAST=sample(c(rep(NA,10),1:10),10, replace=T),

# only get non-NA points
with(DEL, plot(PAST,ACTV, main="NA does not plot"))
# can set NA's to 0 - will plot on y-axis
DEL$PAST <- ifelse(is.na(DEL$PAST),0,DEL$PAST)
with(DEL, plot(PAST,ACTV, col=ifelse(PAST==0,"blue","red"), main="NAs set to 0"))

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