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使用Animation webgl three.js缩放立方体Y

[英]scale cube Y with Animation webgl three.js

Webgl Three.js tween and java script Im getting unexpected results from Tween the x or y property of an object, i have no errors and the object is scaling but with out animation. Webgl Three.js补间和Java脚本我从补间的对象的x或y属性获得了意外的结果,我没有错误,并且该对象正在缩放但没有动画。

 var scale = {y:0};         
 var tween = new TWEEN.Tween( cube.scale.y ).to( { y: 10 }, 3000 ).easing(
 TWEEN.Easing.Cubic.Out ).start();

im trying to get the cube to stretch to the right height with the animation, but currently it just snaps straight to the scale-y. 我试图通过动画使立方体伸展到正确的高度,但是目前它只是直接捕捉到缩放比例y。


new TWEEN.Tween( cube.scale ).to( { y: 10 }, 3000 )

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