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[英]Interesting issue with ADODB connection: UDF using ADODB works fine when called from VBA code, but it returns error when called from EXCEL cell

I have been using ADODB connection from within Excel in order to connect to MySql databases and retrieve values. 我一直在Excel中使用ADODB连接,以便连接到MySql数据库并检索值。

The essence of my code is as follows: 我的代码的实质如下:

Public Function ODPH(B0 As Range, sqlstr As Variant)

Dim oconn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

On Error GoTo error_handler

'Connect to MySql. Assign default values if connection string is missing!

ipDriver = "{MySQL ODBC 5.2 Unicode Driver}"
ipType = "MySql"
If IsEmpty(ipHost) Then ipHost = "HHHH"
If IsEmpty(ipUser) Then ipUser = "UUUU"
If IsEmpty(ipdbName) Then ipdbName = "DDDD"
If IsEmpty(ipPasswd) Then ipPasswd = "PPPP"

strConn = "DRIVER=" & ipDriver & ";" & _
"SERVER=" & ipHost & ";" & _
"DATABASE=" & ipdbName & ";" & _
"USER=" & ipUser & ";" & _
"PASSWORD=" & ipPasswd & ";" & _
"Option=" & ipOption

Set oconn = New ADODB.Connection
oconn.Open strConn

oconn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'oconn.CursorLocation = adUseServer

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
' rs.Open sqlstr, oconn, adLockOptimistic
' rs.Open sqlstr, oconn, adLockReadOnly
rs.Open sqlstr, oconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
rs.Open sqlstr, oconn

If rs.EOF Then
'MsgBox "No records returned!"
    ODPH = "#No record at db"
    Exit Function

    rCount = rs.RecordCount
    Select Case rCount
        Case Is > 1
            ODPH = "#many records from db"
            Exit Function

        Case Else

            Select Case rs.Fields.Count
                Case Is > 1
                ODPH = "#many columns from db"
                Exit Function

                Case Else
                Select Case IsNull(rs.Fields(0).Value)

                    Case Is = True
                        ODPH = "#null at db"
                        Exit Function

                    Case Else
                        aux = rs(0).Value
                        Select Case IsNumeric(aux)
                            Case Is = True
                            ODPH = CDbl(aux)
                            Exit Function

                            Case Else
                            ODPH = aux
                            Exit Function
                        End Select

                End Select
        End Select

    End Select

End If

'Error handler
    ODPH = Err.Description
    Exit Function

End Function

My issue is that: 我的问题是:

  • This code works well when it is called from another VBA sub or function. 从另一个VBA子函数或函数调用该代码时,它的效果很好。
  • But this function returns the following error when it is called from one excel cell as a UDF function: 但是,从一个Excel单元格作为UDF函数调用此函数时,此函数返回以下错误:

"Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another." “参数类型错误,超出可接受范围或彼此冲突。” (Error number 3001) (错误号3001)

I really could not understand why one set of code returns no error when it is called by VBA editor whereas it returns this error when it is called from one excel cell as a user-defined function! 我真的不明白,为什么一组代码在被VBA编辑器调用时不返回错误,而在从一个excel单元作为用户定义函数调用时却返回此错误!

Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Best regards, 最好的祝福,

By definition, UDF needs to return something and you are missing the return type like: 根据定义,UDF需要返回某些内容,而您缺少以下返回类型:

Public Function ODPH(B0 As Range, sqlstr As Variant) As Variant

Calling it from another macro works, because VBA (or almost all programming languages) don't really care if you have a receiving variable of function. 从另一个宏调用它是可行的,因为VBA(或几乎所有编程语言)并不真正在乎您是否具有函数的接收变量。

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