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[英]Git Version Control and Branching

This isn't a code question, more of a 'best practices' question. 这不是代码问题,更多是“最佳实践”问题。

I'm using GitHub and BitBucket, when you have the master that will be your live working code. 当您拥有将成为您的实时工作代码的母版时,我将使用GitHub和BitBucket。

To build upon or fix bugs, is it best to create a branch? 要建立或修复错误,最好创建一个分支吗?

When that branch is ready to merge would it be best to merge and then delete that branch? 当该分支准备合并时,最好合并然后删除该分支?

If you merge, how do you keep note in the master of what branch that master was pushed from? 如果合并,如何在主节点中记录主节点从哪个分支推送?

Thanks in advance 提前致谢

You could follow either Github Flow or git flow . 您可以按照Github Flowgit flow进行操作 I use a mix between both, but both are great depending on how you work. 我在两者之间混合使用,但两者都取决于您的工作方式。

For Github Flow, you would do: 对于Github Flow,您可以执行以下操作:

  • Keep master always deployable; 使master始终可部署;
  • Create a new branch to fix your bug with a descriptive name; 创建一个新分支以描述性名称修复您的错误;
  • Only work on that branch; 仅在该分支上工作;
  • Open a Pull Request with your changes; 打开您的更改的请求请求;
  • Merge it to master . 合并以master

For git flow, you would do something like: 对于git flow,您可以执行以下操作:

  • Keep master mirroring your production environment; 保持master反映您的生产环境;
  • Have a develop branch for non-deployed but ready things; 有一个未部署但准备就绪的develop分支;
  • Tag your release, provided you have your changes to be released in develop: 标记您的发布,只要您有要在开发中发布的更改:
    • git checkout -b release-1.2 develop
    • git checkout master
    • git merge --no-ff release-1.2
    • git tag -a 1.2

Then deploy master . 然后部署master

For git flow, when you are working on a hotfix, you would commit your fixes on a separate branch before tagging the new release, and merge changes back: 对于git flow,当您处理修补程序时,可以在标记新版本之前将修补程序提交到单独的分支上,然后将更改合并回去:

  • git checkout -b hotfix-1.2.1 master ; git checkout -b hotfix-1.2.1 master ;
  • Commit your fix; 提交修复程序;
  • git checkout master
  • git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.2.1
  • git tag -a 1.2.1
  • git checkout develop
  • git merge --no-ff hotfix-1.2.1

You would also deploy master . 您还将部署master

IMO: 海事组织:

To build upon or fix bugs, is it best to create a branch? 要建立或修复错误,最好创建一个分支吗?

Yes, create a branch for each bugfix, upgrade or modification. 是的,为每个错误修正,升级或修改创建一个分支。 Examples: master_bugfixing , mybranch_new_feature and so on. 示例: master_bugfixingmybranch_new_feature等。

edit: why I think it's a good idea to create a branch - quotes from Visualized Git practices for team: branch, merge, rebase - 编辑:为什么我认为创建分支是个好主意- 团队可视化Git做法的引文:分支,合并,变基 -

  • You are about to make a major or disruptive change 您即将做出重大或破坏性的改变
  • You are about to make some changes that might not be used 您将要进行一些可能无法使用的更改
  • You want to experiment on something that you are not sure it will work 您想尝试一些不确定的项目
  • When you are told to branch out, others might have something they need to do in master 当您被告知要分支时,其他人可能需要在主人那里做一些事情

When that branch is ready to merge would it be best to merge and then delete that branch? 当该分支准备合并时,最好合并然后删除该分支?

I always delete unused branches, ie branches already merged. 我总是删除未使用的分支,即已经合并的分支。

If you merge, how do you keep note in the master of what branch that master was pushed from? 如果合并,如何在主节点中记录主节点从哪个分支推送?

You could add a message during merge with git merge -m <msg> . 您可以在合并期间使用git merge -m <msg>添加一条消息。

A hint for a branching model: A successful Git branching model 分支模型的提示: 成功的Git分支模型

To build upon or fix bugs, is it best to create a branch? 要建立或修复错误,最好创建一个分支吗?

yes, it's the best practice to create a separate branch in order to build or fix your bugs. 是的,最佳实践是创建一个单独的分支以构建或修复您的错误。

When that branch is ready to merge would it be best to merge and then delete that branch? 当该分支准备合并时,最好合并然后删除该分支?

It depends your type of project, however there's no problem in deleting branches that have been merged in. All the commits are still available in the history. 这取决于您的项目类型,但是删除已合并的分支没有问题。所有提交在历史记录中仍然可用。

If you merge, how do you keep note in the master of what branch that master was pushed from? 如果合并,如何在主节点中记录主节点从哪个分支推送?

Again commits history is saved in Git, so we can keep track of which branch is mereged with Master branch. 再次将提交历史记录保存在Git中,因此我们可以跟踪使用Master分支定义了哪个分支。

Hope you got enough clarification on your queries. 希望您对查询有足够的澄清。

For more information, refer git-scm 有关更多信息,请参考git-scm

Thank you. 谢谢。

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