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[英]Bind ListPicker in MVVM (Selection_Changed)

I am trying to attach a command to the event Selection_Changed of the ListPicker 我正在尝试将命令附加到ListPicker的事件Selection_Changed

I have the following code for the listpicker in my xaml : 我的xaml中有以下用于listpicker的代码:

         x:name="picker" ItemsSource="{Binding Sentences}"    
         SelectionChanged="{Binding PickerCommand, Mode=TwoWay}" >
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding }"/>

Sentences is just a list of string in my ViewModel, how can I create a simple Commad for example that will just show a MessageBox with the current selected string in the ListPicker ? 句子只是ViewModel中的字符串列表,如何创建一个简单的Commad例如,它将仅在ListPicker中显示带有当前选定字符串的MessageBox?

Something similar to this function that i wrote in the code Behind : 我在代码Behind中编写的与此函数相似的东西:

private void PickerCommand(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    if (piker.SelectedItem != null) 

EDIT : 编辑:

I just created this simple function : 我刚刚创建了这个简单的函数:

public void Test()

passed it : 通过了:

PickerCommand = new RelayCommand<SelectionChangedEventArgs>(Test);

But I have the error saying that the argument that I passed is invalid, why is that ? 但是我有一个错误,说我传递的参数无效,为什么呢?

You need to do this: 您需要这样做:

<toolkit:ListPicker x:name="picker" ItemsSource="{Binding Sentences}">
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged">
        <command:EventToCommand Command="{Binding PickerCommand, Mode=OneWay}" />
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding }"/>

and then 接着

    public class MYViewModel :ViewModelBase
   public MyViewModel()
       PickerCommand = new RelayCommand<object>(ActionForPickerCommand);
    public ICommand PickerCommand {get;set;}

Use MVVM Light, that has some classes that help in it. 使用MVVM Light,它提供了一些帮助。

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