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[英]Selection Changed Event using MVVM

I have a listbox that contains a list of persons. 我有一个包含人员列表的列表框 When the user clicks on an item the viewModel should set the currentPerson object to the Object the user has clicked on. 当用户单击某个项时,viewModel应将currentPerson对象设置为用户单击的Object。

I have to use a ViewModel for this, so no code inside the MainWindow.xaml.xs . 我必须为此使用ViewModel,因此MainWindow.xaml.xs中没有代码 Any Ideas how to solve this? 任何想法如何解决这个问题?

That's very simple: 这很简单:

Add a property CurrentPerson to your ViewModel and bind it to the SelectedItem property of the ListBox. 将属性CurrentPerson添加到ViewModel并将其绑定到ListBox的SelectedItem属性。

Something like this: 像这样的东西:

View Model: 查看型号:

public Person CurrentPerson
    get { return _currentPerson; }
        if(value == _currentPerson) return;
        _currentPerson = value;


View: 视图:

<ListBox SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentPerson}" ...>

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