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[英]Cancel Combobox Selection Changed event using behaviour

I have a combobox which will load data in the data grid based on selection change. 我有一个组合框,它将根据选择更改将数据加载到数据网格中。 On change of combobox selection i need to check if the current data in data grid is correct or not . 在更改组合框选择时,我需要检查数据网格中的当前数据是否正确。 if not correct i would like to cancel the combobox selection change. 如果不正确,我想取消组合框选择更改。

here is my behavior class 这是我的行为课

public class ComboBoxSelectionBehaviour : Behavior<ComboBox>

    public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        new PropertyMetadata(null));

    public ViewModel Source
        get { return (ViewModel)GetValue(SourceProperty); }
        set { SetValue(SourceProperty, value); }

    protected override void OnAttached()
        AssociatedObject.SelectionChanged += AssociatedObject_SelectionChanged; ;

    protected override void OnDetaching()
        AssociatedObject.SelectionChanged -= AssociatedObject_SelectionChanged;

    private void AssociatedObject_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        var combo = sender as ComboBox;
        if (Source != null)
            // Suppress the event if errors exist
            if (!Source.IsDataCorrect())
                e.Handled = true;


even after handling the event combobox selected item is getting changed. 即使处理了事件组合框之后,所选项目也已更改。

Please give some suggestions to solve this issue. 请提供一些解决此问题的建议。

Could you simply just do a 你能简单地做一个

If the data is not correct? 如果数据不正确? Or would this cause an infinite loop? 还是会导致无限循环?

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