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[英]Prepare SMS message from an iPhone app

Is it possible? 可能吗? Developers can use SMS URLs to populate the phone number, but I haven't found a way to populate the message body. 开发人员可以使用SMS URL填充电话号码,但我还没有找到填充邮件正文的方法。

This other look at the topic from before the NDA was lifted: 另一个关于NDA之前的主题的解读:

How to programmatically send SMS on the iPhone? 如何以编程方式在iPhone上发送短信?

was unable to find a solution. 无法找到解决方案。 "sms:" URLs work but no "body" tag is respected. “短信:”网址有效但没有“正文”标记受到尊重。 As a suggestion, send a feature request to Apple. 作为建议,向Apple发送功能请求。 You won't be the first person to request this feature but despite their seeming silence, Apple do read each request. 您不会是第一个要求此功能的人,但尽管他们看似沉默,但Apple会阅读每个请求。

目前无法通过iPhone SDK实现。


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