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如何创建类似于iPhone buildin SMS应用程序的bubbble消息框?

[英]How to create bubbble message box similar to iPhone buildin SMS app?

How to create bubbble message box similar to iPhone buildin SMS app? 如何创建类似于iPhone buildin SMS应用程序的bubbble消息框?

I'm trying to create a table cells with a bubble message box, similar to the iPhone SMS app or iChat. 我正在尝试创建一个带有泡泡消息框的表格单元格,类似于iPhone SMS应用程序或iChat。

Anybody have example code I can refer to? 有人有我可以参考的示例代码吗?

UIImage 's can have borders at the sides and bottom that don't resize as the image is stretched. UIImage的边和底部可以有边框,在图像拉伸时不会调整大小。

The leftCapWidth and topCapHeight are the 2 properties you need to modify to achieve this. leftCapWidthtopCapHeight是您需要修改以实现此目的的2个属性。

Then create a UIImageView (using the image) of the necessary size behind your text. 然后在文本后面创建一个必要大小的UIImageView(使用图像)。

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