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C ++虚拟方法指针

[英]C++ virtual method pointer

Im writing a simple socket server in C++. 我用C ++编写了一个简单的套接字服务器。 I've already have some libs from C which fires callback when event read happens on socket. 我已经有一些来自C的库,这些事件在套接字上发生事件读取时触发回调。 I want client who will use that class will impement its own mechanims to handle those events. 我希望将使用该类的客户施加自己的机制来处理这些事件。 My base class is: 我的基类是:

class CBaseServer{
    void monitorDataArrived(int fd);
    virtual void monitorOnDataArrived(void *context, int fd) = 0;

in this class pointer to monitorOnDataArrived(void *context, int fd) has to be passed to extarnal C function called AddClient(int mask, proc, fd) whenever new socket will appear. 在此类中AddClient(int mask, proc, fd)每当出现新的套接字时AddClient(int mask, proc, fd)都必须将指向monitorOnDataArrived(void *context, int fd)指针传递给名为AddClient(int mask, proc, fd)外部C函数。 proc is defined as: proc定义为:

typedef void(*proc)(void *context, int fd)
     proc p = (void (*)(void*, int)&CBase::monitorOnDataArrived; 
     addClient(MASK_READ, p, fd);

now client is doing: 现在客户正在做:

class Reader : class CBase{
    void monitorOnDataArrived(void *context, int fd) {
        std::cout << "hey, data arrived"

My question is: im having compliation errors: undefined refernece to CBaseServer::monitorOnDataArrived(void *, int) 我的问题是:即时通讯有undefined refernece to CBaseServer::monitorOnDataArrived(void *, int)错误: undefined refernece to CBaseServer::monitorOnDataArrived(void *, int)

Is there any way to fix it ? 有什么办法可以解决?

regards J. 问候J.

You are misunderstanding the function pointers in C++. 您误解了C ++中的函数指针。

You cannot pass a member function to a C handler, since a member function has an additional implicit parameter (the "this" parameter). 您不能将成员函数传递给C处理程序,因为成员函数具有附加的隐式参数(“ this”参数)。

What is the solution? 解决办法是什么? The solution is to use static functions which will cast the void * context parameter into an instance of your base class, and then calling the virtual function: 解决方案是使用静态函数,这些函数会将void *上下文参数转换为基类的实例,然后调用虚函数:

class CBaseServer{
    //Watch that the context parameter has been moved from the virtual to the other
    //function, which is now also static.
    static void monitorDataArrived(void *context, int fd);
    virtual void monitorOnDataArrived(int fd) = 0;

The dispatching code would be as following: 调度代码如下:

void CBaseServer::monitorDataArrived(void *context, int fd){
    CBaseServer * server=(CBaseServer*)context;

And the registration code would be: 注册代码为:

class Reader : class CBase{
    void monitorOnDataArrived(int fd) {
        std::cout << "hey, data arrived"
Reader * theReader=new Reader();

//The instance theReader of type Reader must be passed to the registration function
//as the void * context parameter.
addClient(MASK_READ, &theReader);  

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