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[英]Searching through a list of dictionaries to see if a key/value exists in any dictionary

so I have a list of dictionaries, ex: 所以我有一个字典清单,例如:

[{'title':'Green eggs and ham', 'author':'dr seuss'}, {'title':'matilda', 'author':'roald dahl'}]

What is the best way to search if outliers by malcolm gladwell exists in any of those dictionaries? 马尔科姆·格威尔威尔(Marcolm Gladwell)的离群值是否存在于任何这些词典中,这是搜索的最佳方法是什么?

I was thinking of brute force checking each title and author, but I feel like there's gotta be a better way. 我当时想用蛮力检查每个标题和作者,但我觉得必须有更好的方法。

If you need all key-value pairs to match, you can just use in and have the list do the searching for you: 如果需要所有键值对匹配,则可以使用in并让列表为您搜索:

if {'title': 'outliers', 'author': 'malcolm gladwell'} in yourlist:

Otherwise, with no other indices, you'll have to 'manually' search the list. 否则,没有其他索引,则必须“手动”搜索列表。 You can use the any function with a generator expression to make the test efficient enough (eg stop searching when a match is found), plus dictionary view objects to test for subsets of key-value pairs: 您可以将any函数与生成器表达式一起使用,以使测试足够有效(例如,找到匹配项时停止搜索),以及字典视图对象以测试键值对的子集:

search = {'title': 'outliers', 'author': 'malcolm gladwell'}.viewitems()
if any(search <= d.viewitems() for d in yourlist):

would match even if dictionaries in yourlist have more keys than just title and author . 即使yourlist字典yourlist具有titleauthor键, yourlist可以匹配的。

You can avoid full scans by using extra indices: 您可以通过使用额外的索引来避免完全扫描:

authors = {}
titles = {}
for d in yourlist:
    authors.set_default(d['author'], []).append(d)
    titles.set_default(d['title'], []).append(d)

creates extra mappings by specific keys in the dictionaries. 通过词典中的特定键创建额外的映射。 No you can test for individual elements: 不,您可以测试单个元素:

if any(d['title'] == 'outliers' for d in authors.get('malcolm gladwell', [])):

is a limited search just through all books by Malcolm Gladwell. 仅针对Malcolm Gladwell的所有书籍进行的有限搜索。

The titles and authors dictionaries map author and title strings to lists of the same dictionaries , shared with the yourlist list. titlesauthors字典将作者和标题字符串映射到与yourlist列表共享的相同字典的列表。 However, adding or removing dictionaries from one such structure does require updating all structures. 但是,从一个这样的结构中添加或删除字典确实需要更新所有结构。 This is where a relational database comes in handy, as it is really good at keeping such indexes for you and will automatically keep these up-to-date. 这是关系数据库派上用场的地方,因为它非常擅长为您保留此类索引,并且会自动使它们保持最新状态。

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