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[英]Check if value exists in a dictionary of dictionaries and get the key(s)?

I have a dictionary of dictionaries: 我有字典词典:

x = {'NIFTY': {11382018: 'NIFTY19SEPFUT', 13177346: 'NIFTY19OCTFUT', 12335874: 'NIFTY19NOVFUT'}}

The dictionary has a lot of other dictionaries inside. 字典中还有很多其他字典。

I want to check whether example: 我想检查一下例子:

y = 11382018

exists in the dictionary, if yes, get the master key in this case NIFTY and the value of the above key ie 'NIFTY19SEPFUT' 在字典中是否存在,如果是,则在这种情况下获取主key NIFTY和上述key的值,即'NIFTY19SEPFUT'

I can do this in the following way I assume: 我可以按照以下方式进行操作:

for key in x.keys():
    di = x[key]
    if y in di.keys():
       inst = key
       cont = di[y]

Just wondering if there is a better way. 只是想知道是否有更好的方法。

I was thinking along the lines of not having to loop over the entire dictionary master keys 我一直在考虑不必遍历整个字典主keys思路

A more compact way to retrieve both values of interest would be using a nested dictionary comprehension: 检索两个感兴趣的值的更紧凑的方法是使用嵌套的字典理解:

[(k, sv) for k,v in x.items() for sk,sv in v.items() if sk == y]

More compact version (generic): 更紧凑的版本(通用):

[(k, v[y]) for k, v in d.items() if y in v]

Or: 要么:

*next(((k, v[y]) for k, v in d.items() if y in v), 'not found')

if you can guarantee the key is found only in one nested dictionary. 如果可以保证只能在一个嵌套词典中找到该键。 (Note that I have used d as dictionary here, simply because that feels more meaningful) (请注意,我在这里使用d作为字典,只是因为感觉更有意义)

Code : 代码

d = {'NIFTY': {11382018: 'NIFTY19SEPFUT', 13177346: 'NIFTY19OCTFUT', 12335874: 'NIFTY19NOVFUT'}}

y = 11382018
print([(k, v[y]) for k, v in d.items() if y in v])

# or:
# print(*next(((k, v[y]) for k, v in d.items() if y in v), 'not found'))

Straightforwardly (for only 2 levels of nesting): 直接(仅嵌套2级):

x = {'NIFTY': {11382018: 'NIFTY19SEPFUT', 13177346: 'NIFTY19OCTFUT', 12335874: 'NIFTY19NOVFUT'}}
search_key = 11382018
parent_key, value = None, None

for k, inner_d in x.items():
    if search_key in inner_d:
        parent_key, value = k, inner_d[search_key]

print(parent_key, value)   # NIFTY NIFTY19SEPFUT

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