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[英]echo partially hidden (IPV4 or IPV6) ip in a table

I have a table where a variable in a row containing IP information is being echoed. 我有一个表,其中包含IP信息的行中的变量正在被回显。 I think there's an issue with my if statement, because if I use the following then I can get the variable to echo: 我认为if语句存在问题,因为如果使用以下命令,则可以获取变量以进行回显:

echo $row['log_ip'] =  substr_replace ($row['log_ip'], $ipv4replacement, stripos     ($row['log_ip'], $ipv4needle, $offset = 2)); 

My current code: 我当前的代码:

$ipv6needle = ':';
$ipv4needle = '.';
$ipv4replacement = '.***.***.***';
$ipv6replacement = ':****:****:****:****:****:****:****';
if (strpos($row['log_ip'], ':') !== FALSE) {
echo $row['log_ip'] =  substr_replace ($row['log_ip'], $ipv4replacement, stripos     ($row['log_ip'], $ipv4needle, $offset = 2));
echo $row['log_ip'] =  substr_replace ($row['log_ip'], $ipv6replacement, stripos     ($row['log_ip'], $ipv6needle, $offset = 2)); }

Your code is full of weird assignments, I don't know what you want to achieve with them, but here's a corrected and refactored code. 您的代码充满了怪异的任务,我不知道您想用它们实现什么,但这是一个经过纠正和重构的代码。


$offset = 2;

if (strpos($row["log_ip"], ":") !== false) {
  $needle      = ".";
  $replacement = ".***.***.***";
else {
  $needle      = ":";
  $replacement = ":****:****:****:****:****:****:****";

$row["log_ip"] = substr_replace($row["log_ip"], $replacement, stripos($row["log_ip"], $needle, $offset));

echo $row["log_ip"];

Answer to the question in the comment: 回答评论中的问题:


function mask_ip_address($ip_address) {
  if (strpos($ip_address, ".") !== false) {
    $parts = explode(".", $ip_address);
    return $parts[0] . str_repeat(".***", 3);
  $parts = explode(":", $ip_address);
  return $parts[0] . str_repeat(":****", 7);

function mask_ip_address_test($ip_address, $expected) {
  assert($expected === mask_ip_address($ip_address));

mask_ip_address_test("", "17.***.***.***");
mask_ip_address_test("fe80::200:5aee:feaa:20a2", "fe80:****:****:****:****:****:****:****");

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