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[英]Bash and awk to do division

I am trying to do a simple division computation between two integers that will result in a float. 我正在尝试在两个整数之间进行简单的除法运算,这将导致浮点数。 I do not want to use bc. 我不想使用BC。 This approach works for me for a different purpose with slightly different syntax but I am not quite sure where I am messing up. 这种方法对我来说使用语法稍有不同的目的可以达到不同的目的,但是我不确定我在哪里弄糟。 I am positive that the variables are getting assigned correctly, but I have an error once I try to do the division, and nothing actually gets assigned to the variable. 我肯定变量已正确分配,但是一旦尝试进行除法,我将遇到错误,并且实际上没有任何内容分配给变量。 Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

Thanks in advance! 提前致谢!

rate=`awk '{ shared = "'"${tempRatioArray[0]}"'"; total = "'"${tempRatioArray[1]}"'";\
        printf "%3.0f\t", shared/total }' | awk '{print}'` 

That is not correct way of using shell variables in awk and you don't need 2 awk commands. 这不是在awk中使用shell变量的正确方法,并且您不需要两个awk命令。

Use it like this: 像这样使用它:

rate=$(awk -v shared="${tempRatioArray[0]}" -v total="${tempRatioArray[1]}" 'BEGIN {
    printf "%.3f", (shared/total) }')

You can use bc : 您可以使用bc

bc -l <<<"scale=3; 5/2"

Adapting to your code: 适应您的代码:

bc -l <<< "scale=3; ${tempRatioArray[0]} / ${tempRatioArray[1]}"

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