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[英]How to convert JSON string with different value types to C# Dictionary?

So, I want to convert this JSON string: 因此,我要转换此JSON字符串:

 "Posts" : 
       "Title" : "just a string",
       "Id" : "231"
     }, {
       "Title" : "Another string as title",
       "Id": "41"
  "anotherKey" : "third string"

to C# Dictionary, but this code (using Newtonsoft.Json package; where jsonString is variable storing that JSON string): 到C#字典,但是此代码(使用Newtonsoft.Json包;其中jsonString是存储该JSON字符串的变量):

Dictionary<string,Array> test1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string,Array>>(jsonString);

returns an error: 返回错误:

An unhandled exception of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException' occurred in Newtonsoft.Json.dll

Additional information: Unable to find a constructor to use for type System.Array. Path 'Posts', line 1, position 10.

Is another way how to convert this string to Dictionary? 是另一种方法如何将此字符串转换为Dictionary?

The second entry isn't an array, it's a single string. 第二个条目不是数组,而是单个字符串。

Try deserializing to Dictionary<string,object> or Dictionary<string,dynamic> to read all values. 尝试反序列化为Dictionary<string,object>Dictionary<string,dynamic>以读取所有值。

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