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[英]does a replace function internally run an instr

if I am carrying out actions such as these on a classic ASP page: 如果我要在经典的ASP页面上执行诸如此类的操作:

if instr(tmp, "®") then tmp = replace(tmp, "®", "®")
if instr(tmp, "™") then tmp = replace(tmp, "™", "™")
if instr(tmp, "©") then tmp = replace(tmp, "©", "©")

is the replace function actually already doing an internal instr anyhow?? 替换功能实际上已经在执行内部指令了吗? If so should the above code simply be changed to: 如果是这样,应将以上代码简单地更改为:

tmp = replace(tmp, "®", "®")
tmp = replace(tmp, "™", "™")
tmp = replace(tmp, "©", "©")

What is more resource efficient? 什么是资源效率更高的? They are being used in all sorts of scenarios such as being wrapped around user content in SQL statements etc... 它们正在各种情况下使用,例如被SQL语句中的用户内容包装等。

With performance questions, the best answer is usually to benchmark. 对于性能问题,最佳答案通常是基准测试。 Fortunately, this situation is relatively easy to test: 幸运的是,这种情况相对容易测试:

Option Explicit

Const testString = "Some moderately long text string. Since I don't know long the actual input is, I'm just going to write some stuff. Oh, look, it's a special character! -> ®"

' Might want to start off with a lower number like 1000 and go up from there
Const numberOfIterations = 1000000

Dim replaceTime, inStrReplaceTime
Dim notReplaceTime, notInStrReplaceTime

' When search string is found in the target string
replaceTime = TestReplace("®")
inStrReplaceTime = TestInStrReplace("®")

' When search string is NOT found in the target string
notReplaceTime = TestReplace("©")
notInStrReplaceTime = TestInStrReplace("©")

WScript.Echo "Results (seconds, lower is better):" & vbNewline & _
    "  Replace: " & replaceTime & vbNewline & _
    "  InStr + Replace: " & inStrReplaceTime & vbNewline & _
    "  Replace (not in string): " & notReplaceTime & vbNewline & _
    "  InStr + Replace (not in string): " & notInStrReplaceTime & vbNewline

Function TestReplace(str)
    Dim startTime, i, outString

    startTime = Timer

    For i = 1 To numberOfIterations
        outString = Replace(testString, str, "something")

    TestReplace = Timer - startTime
End Function

Function TestInStrReplace(str)
    Dim startTime, i, outString

    startTime = Timer

    For i = 1 To numberOfIterations
        If InStr(testString, str) <> 0 Then outString = Replace(testString, str, "something")

    TestInStrReplace = Timer - startTime
End Function

On my machine, this script gave the output: 在我的机器上,此脚本给出了输出:

Results (seconds, lower is better):
  Replace: 0.8515625
  InStr + Replace: 1.234375
  Replace (not in string): 0.6796875
  InStr + Replace (not in string): 0.3046875

This may not be the most comprehensive test, but it does appear that the answer to which method is faster depends on whether or not you expect to see your search string in the string you are replacing. 这可能不是最全面的测试,但看来哪种方法更快的答案取决于您是否希望在要替换的字符串中看到搜索字符串。

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