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[英]does a replace function internally run an instr


if instr(tmp, "®") then tmp = replace(tmp, "®", "®")
if instr(tmp, "™") then tmp = replace(tmp, "™", "™")
if instr(tmp, "©") then tmp = replace(tmp, "©", "©")

替换功能实际上已经在执行内部指令了吗? 如果是这样,应将以上代码简单地更改为:

tmp = replace(tmp, "®", "®")
tmp = replace(tmp, "™", "™")
tmp = replace(tmp, "©", "©")

什么是资源效率更高的? 它们正在各种情况下使用,例如被SQL语句中的用户内容包装等。

对于性能问题,最佳答案通常是基准测试。 幸运的是,这种情况相对容易测试:

Option Explicit

Const testString = "Some moderately long text string. Since I don't know long the actual input is, I'm just going to write some stuff. Oh, look, it's a special character! -> ®"

' Might want to start off with a lower number like 1000 and go up from there
Const numberOfIterations = 1000000

Dim replaceTime, inStrReplaceTime
Dim notReplaceTime, notInStrReplaceTime

' When search string is found in the target string
replaceTime = TestReplace("®")
inStrReplaceTime = TestInStrReplace("®")

' When search string is NOT found in the target string
notReplaceTime = TestReplace("©")
notInStrReplaceTime = TestInStrReplace("©")

WScript.Echo "Results (seconds, lower is better):" & vbNewline & _
    "  Replace: " & replaceTime & vbNewline & _
    "  InStr + Replace: " & inStrReplaceTime & vbNewline & _
    "  Replace (not in string): " & notReplaceTime & vbNewline & _
    "  InStr + Replace (not in string): " & notInStrReplaceTime & vbNewline

Function TestReplace(str)
    Dim startTime, i, outString

    startTime = Timer

    For i = 1 To numberOfIterations
        outString = Replace(testString, str, "something")

    TestReplace = Timer - startTime
End Function

Function TestInStrReplace(str)
    Dim startTime, i, outString

    startTime = Timer

    For i = 1 To numberOfIterations
        If InStr(testString, str) <> 0 Then outString = Replace(testString, str, "something")

    TestInStrReplace = Timer - startTime
End Function


Results (seconds, lower is better):
  Replace: 0.8515625
  InStr + Replace: 1.234375
  Replace (not in string): 0.6796875
  InStr + Replace (not in string): 0.3046875



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