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IE 11的位置 </img> 使用Cloudinary AngularJS指令在DOM中添加标签

[英]IE 11 bungles placement of </img> tag in DOM with Cloudinary AngularJS Directive

I am using the official Cloudinary AngularJS directive to place images on my site. 我正在使用官方的Cloudinary AngularJS指令在我的网站上放置图片。 However, Chrome and IE 11 are behaving differently in terms of where they place a closing </img> tag. 但是,Chrome和IE 11在放置结束标记</img>方面的行为有所不同。 IE places it just before the parent element closes and Chrome properly places it after the transcluded element. IE会将其放置在父元素关闭之前,而Chrome则会将其正确放置在被包含元素之后。

Here are snippets of the relevant Cloudinary directives (from their official plugin): 以下是相关Cloudinary指令的摘录(来自其官方插件):

angularModule.directive('clTransformation', function() {
  return {
    restrict : 'E',
    transclude : false,
    require: '^clImage',
    link : function (scope, element, attrs, clImageCtrl) {
      var attributes = {};
      $.each(attrs, function(name,value){
        if (name[0] !== '$') {
          attributes[cloudinaryAttr(name)] = value;

angularModule.directive('clImage', function() {
  return {
    restrict : 'E',
    replace: true,
    transclude : true,
    template: "<img ng-transclude/>",
    scope: {},
    priority: 99,
    controller: function($scope) {
      this.addTransformation = function(ts){
        $scope.transformations = $scope.transformations || [];

I've implemented these in my site with: 我已经在我的网站中实现了这些功能:

    ng-repeat='image in images'
  <a href='' ...></a>
  <a href='' ...'></a>
  <div class='nav'>
    <div class='wrapper'>
          <a href='' ...></a>

Opening the site in Chrome , the DOM gets updated as 在Chrome中打开网站,DOM更新为

  <img ng-transclude="" public_id="wide/image1" format="jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/<account id>/image/upload/c_fill,h_370,w_1130/v1/wide/image1.jpg">
    <cl-transformation height="370" width="1130" crop="fill" class="ng-scope">
  </img>   <!---------------- img close tag is here ---------------------->
  <img ...>
  <a href='' ...></a>
  <a href='' ...></a>

However, in IE , the DOM gets updated as: 但是, 在IE中 ,DOM更新为:

  <img ng-transclude="" public_id="wide/image1" format="jpg" src="http://res.cloudinary.com/<account id>/image/upload/a_exif,c_fill,g_center,h_370,w_1130/v1/wide/image1.jpg">
    <cl-transformation height="370" width="1130" crop="fill" class="ng-scope">
  <a href='' ...></a>
  <a href='' ...></a>
    <div class='nav'>
      <div class='wrapper'>
            <a href='' ...></a>
  </img>   <!---------------- img close tag is here :( ---------------------->
  <img ...>

This causes all of the <a> , <div> , <ul> , <li> , <figcaption> tags to not be rendered. 这将导致所有<a><div><ul><li><figcaption>标签都无法呈现。

I've tried changing the clImage directive to use a template like <img ng-transclude></img> but I get the same results. 我尝试将clImage指令更改为使用<img ng-transclude></img>类的模板,但得到的结果相同。 What is happening to the </img> tag in IE and how can I resolve this? IE中的</img>标记发生了什么,该如何解决?

For non-chained transformations like the one you have shown putting the transformation parameters on the image tag itself should do the trick. 对于像您展示的那样的非链式转换,应该将转换参数放在image标签本身上可以解决问题。 In this case: 在这种情况下:

  ng-repeat='image in images'

If you ever need to have chained transformations and would like to avoid using the internal transformation tags you can instead use the raw-transformation attribute on the cl-image tag: 如果您需要链式转换,并且希望避免使用内部转换标签,则可以在cl-image标记上使用raw-transformation属性:

  ng-repeat='image in images'

The above example chains another rotation of 45 degrees on top of the cropping transformation found before. 上面的示例在之前发现的裁剪转换的顶部链接了另一个45度旋转。

Have a look in the sample project for a variety of image tag examples. 示例项目中查看各种图像标签示例。

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