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[英]Can Jenkins run shell script on agent-less linux host

I am looking for a Jenkins plugin that makes it execute simple shell script into a given machine. 我正在寻找一个Jenkins插件,使它可以在给定的机器上执行简单的Shell脚本。

A possible execution of this plugin would be: 该插件的可能执行方式为:
Given hostname,username,password, execution folder, and script --> connect to the machine and execute the script. 给定主机名,用户名,密码,执行文件夹和脚本->连接到计算机并执行脚本。

Can I do it without pre-configuring the machine as Jenkins slave? 如果将机器预先配置为Jenkins从属服务器,我可以这样做吗?

I've checked out ssh-plugin and publish-over-ssh but they don't offer doing such thing without preconfiguring the hosts. 我已经检查了ssh-pluginpublish-over-ssh,但是如果不预先配置主机,它们将不提供这种服务。

所以我找不到适合Jenkins的内置解决方案,但是Python Fabric是一个有趣的方向

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