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如何在詹金斯管道中运行 shell 脚本

[英]How to run shell script in jenkins pipeline

I want to run shell script from jenkins pipeline, instead of calling shell script can I run sh commands one by one like below我想从 jenkins 管道运行 shell 脚本,而不是调用 shell 脚本,我可以像下面一样一一运行sh命令

top -bn1 | grep load | awk '{printf "%.2f%%\t\t\n", $(NF-2)}'
free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%.2f%%\t\t", $3*100/$2 }'
iostat -c 3 3 |awk '/^ /{print $4}'|awk  '{ printf( "%s ", $1 ); } END { printf( "\n" ); }'

I am new to jenkins but when I try to use it with sh like below its giving error我是 jenkins 的新手,但是当我尝试将它与sh一起使用时,如下所示其给出错误

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Check System Usage') {
            steps {
                script {
                     def CPUUSAGE = sh (script: "top -bn1 | grep load | awk '{printf "%.2f%%\t\t\n", $(NF-2)}'", returnStdout: true).trim() as Integer
                     def MEMUSAGE = sh (script:free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%.2f%%\t\t", $3*100/$2 }'", returnStdout: true).trim() as Integer
                     def IOWAIT = sh (script:"iostat -c 3 3 |awk '/^ /{print $4}'|awk  '{ printf( "%s ", $1 ); } END { printf( "\n" ); }'", returnStdout: true).trim() as Integer
                     println("CPUUSAGE = ${CPUUSAGE}","MEMUSAGE = ${MEMUSAGE}","IOWAIT = {IOWAIT}")

Can you guide what is the exact format to run shell command in jenkins file, or can you share sample code for reference.您能否指导在 jenkins 文件中运行 shell 命令的确切格式是什么,或者您可以共享示例代码以供参考。

您正在使用 "" 和 '' 不正确。

Reading https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/ and https://code-examples.net/en/q/237ec14 , I would try:阅读https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/https://code-examples.net/en/q/237ec14 ,我会尝试:

pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Check System Usage') {
            steps {
                script {
                        CPUUSAGE=$(top -bn1 | grep load | awk '{printf "%.2f%%\t\t\n", $(NF-2)}')
                        MEMUSAGE=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%.2f%%\t\t", $3*100/$2 }')
                        IOWAIT=$(iostat -c 3 3 |awk '/^ /{print $4}'|awk  '{ printf( "%s ", $1 ); } END { printf( "\n" ); }')
                        echo("CPUUSAGE = ${CPUUSAGE}","MEMUSAGE = ${MEMUSAGE}","IOWAIT = {IOWAIT}")

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