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[英]Read Matlab Data File into Python, Need to Export to CSV

I have read a Matlab file containing a large amount of arrays as a dataset into Python storing the Matlab Dictionary under the variable name mat using the command:我已将包含大量数组作为数据集的 Matlab 文件读入 Python,使用以下命令将 Matlab 字典存储在变量名称mat下:

mat = loadmat('Sample Matlab Extract.mat')

Is there a way I can then use Python's write to csv functionality to save this Matlab dictionary variable I read into Python as a comma separated file?有没有办法然后我可以使用 Python 的写入 csv 功能来保存我读入 Python 的这个 Matlab 字典变量作为逗号分隔的文件?

with open('mycsvfile.csv','wb') as f:
   w = csv.writer(f)

creates a CSV file with one column containing array names within the dictionary and then another column containing the first element of each corresponding array.创建一个 CSV 文件,其中一列包含字典中的数组名称,然后另一列包含每个对应数组的第一个元素。 Is there a way to utilize a command similar to this to obtain all corresponding elements within the arrays inside of the 'mat' dictionary variable?有没有办法利用与此类似的命令来获取“mat”字典变量内的数组中的所有相应元素?

The function scipy.io.loadmat generates a dictionary looking something like this:函数scipy.io.loadmat生成一个看起来像这样的字典:

{'__globals__': [],
 '__header__': 'MATLAB 5.0 MAT-file, Platform: MACI, Created on: Wed Sep 24 16:11:51 2014',
 '__version__': '1.0',
 'a': array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=uint8),
 'b': array([[4, 5, 6]], dtype=uint8)}

It sounds like what you want to do is make a .csv file with the keys "a", "b", etc. as the column names and their corresponding arrays as data associated with each column.听起来您想要做的是使用键“a”、“b”等作为列名和它们对应的数组作为与每列关联的数据制作一个 .csv 文件。 If so, I would recommend using pandas to make a nicely formatted dataset that can be exported to a .csv file.如果是这样,我建议使用pandas制作一个格式良好的数据集,该数据集可以导出为 .csv 文件。 First, you need to clean out the commentary members of your dictionary (all the keys beginning with "__").首先,您需要清除字典的注释成员(所有以“__”开头的键)。 Then, you want to turn each item value in your dictionary into a pandas.Series object.然后,您想将字典中的每个项目值转换为pandas.Series对象。 The dictionary can then be turned into a pandas.DataFrame object, which can also be saved as a .csv file.然后可以将字典转换为pandas.DataFrame对象,该对象也可以保存为 .csv 文件。 Your code would look like this:您的代码如下所示:

import scipy.io
import pandas as pd

mat = scipy.io.loadmat('matex.mat')
mat = {k:v for k, v in mat.items() if k[0] != '_'}
data = pd.DataFrame({k: pd.Series(v[0]) for k, v in mat.items()}) # compatible for both python 2.x and python 3.x


This is correct solution for converting any .mat file into .csv file.这是将任何 .mat 文件转换为 .csv 文件的正确解决方案。 Try it尝试一下

   import scipy.io
   import numpy as np
   data = scipy.io.loadmat("file.mat")

   for i in data:
        if '__' not in i and 'readme' not in i:
import scipy.io
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class MatDataToCSV():

    def init(self):


    def convert_mat_tocsv(self):

        mat = scipy.io.loadmat('wiki.mat')

        instances = mat['wiki'][0][0][0].shape[1]
        columns = ["dob", "photo_taken", "full_path", "gender",\
                "name", "face_location", "face_score", "second_face_score"]
        df = pd.DataFrame(index = range(0,instances), columns = columns)

        for i in mat:
            if i == "wiki":
                current_array = mat[i][0][0]
                for j in range(len(current_array)):
                    df[columns[j]] = pd.DataFrame(current_array[j][0])
        return df

reading a matfile (.MAT) with the below code data = scipy.io.loadmat(files[0])使用以下代码读取 matfile (.MAT) data = scipy.io.loadmat(files[0])

gives a dictionary of values and keys给出值和键的字典

and " ' header ', ' version ', ' globals '" these are some of the default values which we need to remove和“' header '、' version '、' globals '”这些是我们需要删除的一些默认值

for i in data:
    if '__' not in i :
for i in data:
    if '__' not in i :

we remove the unwanted header values using "if '__' not in i:" and then make a dataframe using the rest of the headers and finally assign the column values to respective column headers我们使用“if '__' not in i:”删除不需要的标题值,然后使用其余标题制作数据框,最后将列值分配给相应的列标题

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