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[英]Polymer - styling childnodes of host

first, i searched for similar questions but haven't found a solution for my problem, which is basically simple, i guess. 首先,我搜索了类似的问题,但没有找到解决我问题的方法,我想这基本上很简单。 :) :)

I built a simple image-slider for clearing up the whole concepts of web components for myself with a real world example. 我构建了一个简单的图像滑块,以一个真实的例子为我自己清除了Web组件的整个概念。

My custom component is made out of 5 components and a headline. 我的自定义组件由5个组件和一个标题组成。




The component slides fine. 组件滑动良好。 Now i wanted to add teaser navigation at the bottom. 现在我想在底部添加预告片导航。 So first i tried adding a single teaser item. 所以首先我尝试添加一个预告片项目。

Ok.. what i want to do is access an element inside of the stage-slider: 好吧..我想做的是访问stage-slider内部的元素:

<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../stage-element/stage-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="../stage-button/stage-button.html">

<polymer-element name="stage-slider" attributes="items slideInterval">



        :host {
            width: 960px;
            height: 485px;

            position: absolute;

            top: 50%;
            left: 50%;

            margin: -242px 0px 0px -480px;

            overflow: hidden;

            display: block;

        :content .teaser
            left: 30px;


    <div id="wrapper">

        <template id="slider" repeat="{{item in items}}">

            <stage-element headline="{{item.headline}}"


        <content class="teaser" select="stage-teaser"></content>



<script src="./libs/TweenLite/easing/EasePack.min.js"></script>
<script src="./libs/TweenLite/plugins/CSSPlugin.min.js"></script>
<script src="./libs/TweenLite/TweenLite.min.js"></script>


            slideInterval: 7000,

            items: [],

            index: 0,

            ready: function ()
                console.log('stage slider ready!');

            attached: function ()
                console.log('stage slider attached!');

                this.$.wrapper.style.width = (960 * (this.items.length)).toString() + "px";


                if (this.items.length > 1 && this.slideInterval != 0)
                    var that = this;
                    setInterval(function ()
                            }, this.slideInterval

            startSliding: function (shadowDom)
                console.log('More children than 1 -> SLIDE EM!');

                TweenLite.to(shadowDom.$.wrapper, 1.5, {

                    marginLeft: -960,

                    ease: Expo.easeInOut,

                    onStart: function ()
                        console.log('tween started'); //, this = ', this);
                    onComplete: function ()
                        //                            console.log('tween complete');
                        //                            console.log(shadowDom.$.wrapper.getElementsByTagName('stage-slide')[0]);

                        shadowDom.$.wrapper.style.marginLeft = 0;

This is how my markup looks like: 这是我的标记的样子:

<stage-slider slideInterval="0"
                            "headline"              : "Test headline",
                            "image"                 : "img/slide0.jpg",
                            "buttonLabel"           : "Test buttonlabel",
                            "buttonTargetURL"       : "http://www.google.com"


    <stage-teaser class="teaser"
                   headline="Test teasertext"



So there is a stage-teaser element nested inside my stage-slider element. 因此,在我的stage-slider元素内嵌套了一个stage-teaser元素。

I thought i have to distribute it to the content tag inside my template element. 我以为我必须将其分发到模板元素内的content标签。 Which is why there is a content tag like this: 这就是为什么会有这样的内容标签的原因:

<content class="teaser" select="stage-teaser"></content>

It displays the teaser item correctly. 它正确显示预告片项目。

But now i want to define its css from within the slider component. 但是现在我想从滑块组件中定义其CSS。 This is where i am totally stuck.. 这是我完全卡住的地方。

I can access the element itself with :host, thats good. 我可以使用:host访问元素本身,那就好。

But how do i access the content element, which renders the teaser? 但是我如何访问呈现预告片的content元素?

i tried the following: 我尝试了以下方法:

:host(stage-teaser), :host(.teaser), :host(#teaser), :content .teaser, :host(:content .teaser), :host(stage-teaser)、: host(.teaser)、: host(#teaser)、: content .teaser,:host(:content .teaser),

as you can see.. i am kinda stuck. 如您所见..我有点卡住了。 :-/ :-/

any idea would be cool! 任何想法都很棒!

thanks, Rob 谢谢,罗布

I suspect that the issue you're seeing is just a typo. 我怀疑您看到的问题只是错字。 Instead of :content you want ::content . 而不是:content您需要::content Here's a jsbin showing a simple example: http://jsbin.com/mijifiru/1/edit and for more info on styling web components with the shadow DOM, check out this article: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/shadowdom-201/ 这是一个显示简单示例的jsbin: http ://jsbin.com/mijifiru/1/edit,有关使用阴影DOM设置Web组件样式的更多信息,请查看本文: http ://www.html5rocks.com/cn / tutorials / webcomponents / shadowdom-201 /

If that doesn't solve the issue it would be helpful if you reduced your code down to a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example , and for bonus points do so in an online editor like jsbin. 如果那不能解决问题,将代码简化为最小,完整和可验证的示例将非常有帮助,要获得加分,请使用jsbin这样的在线编辑器进行。

<polymer-element name='my-container' noscript>
      ::content .innerContent {
        background-color: red;
    Shadow Dom

    <div class='innerContent'>Contained matching Light DOM</div>
    <div>Contained unmatched Light DOM</div>

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