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通过Solr进行索引和搜索,Solr集成在Liferay 6.2中

[英]Indexing and searching by the Solr, which was integrated in Liferay 6.2

I can't find some information about using solr in the Liferay portal. 我在Liferay门户中找不到有关使用solr的信息。 How to use solr integrated to the liferay? 如何使用集成到liferay中的solr? Solr documentation doesn't contain information about it. Solr文档不包含有关此信息。 But in the Liferay reasources I found information about integration solr plugin only. 但是在Liferay资源中,我仅找到有关集成solr插件的信息。 How I can indexing and searching data from the portlet of liferay portal? 如何从Liferay门户的Portlet中索引和搜索数据? Probably i don't understand some general principles... Pls, explain me it. 可能我不了解一些一般原则...请给我解释一下。

Liferay itself does not use SOLR, it provides fulltext search using Lucene directly. Liferay本身不使用SOLR,而是直接使用Lucene提供全文搜索。 For developers and administrators it is well hidden under Liferay's own search mechanism (check the Indexer and BaseIndexer classess). 对于开发人员和管理员来说,它很好地隐藏在Liferay自己的搜索机制下(请检查IndexerBaseIndexer类)。 The API allows you to do the following two basic tasks: Add search capability to your own portlet (check Liferay's Knowledge Base portlet as well) and Extend or Modify search capabilities of Liferay's objects . 该API允许您执行以下两个基本任务: 将搜索功能添加到您自己的portlet中 (也请检查Liferay的知识库 portlet)以及扩展或修改Liferay对象的搜索功能

Returning to SOLR, if you want to integrate it with Liferay, you have to do it on your own. 返回到SOLR,如果要将其与Liferay集成,则必须自己完成。 But even then you will use only through Liferay's API, not directly. 但是即使那样,您也只能通过Liferay的API使用,而不能直接使用。 SOLR is very usefull when doing clustering. 进行群集时,SOLR非常有用。 If you have a bigger installation, Lucene index replication (or other clustering strategies) may not be efficient enough. 如果安装较大,则Lucene索引复制(或其他群集策略)可能效率不高。 There are lot of articles about how to integrate Liferay with Lucene, check this for example. 有很多关于如何Liferay的使用Lucene集成,检查物品为一例。

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