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[英]Access to Drools returned fact object in Java Code

I have a drools rule created via the Guvnor console and the rule validates and inserts a fact into the working memory if conditions were met. 我有一个通过Guvnor控制台创建的流口水规则,如果满足条件,该规则将验证事实并将事实插入工作内存中。 The rule is: 规则是:

    1. | rule "EligibilityCheck001" 
    2. |     dialect "mvel" 
    3. |     when 
    4. |         Eligibility( XXX== "XXX" , YYY== "YYY" , ZZZ== "ZZZ" , BBB == "BBB" ) 
    5. |     then 
    6. |         EligibilityInquiry fact0 = new EligibilityInquiry(); 
    7. |         fact0.setServiceName( "ABCD" ); 
    8. |         fact0.setMemberStatus( true ); 
    9. |         insert(fact0 ); 
   10. |         System.out.println( "Hello from Drools"); 
   11. | end 

Java code that executes the rule is as follows 执行规则的Java代码如下

RuleAgent ruleAgent = RuleAgent.newRuleAgent("/Guvnor.properties");
RuleBase ruleBase = ruleAgent.getRuleBase();
FactType factType = ruleBase.getFactType("mortgages.Eligibility");

Object obj = factType.newInstance();
factType.set(obj, "XXX", "XXX");
factType.set(obj, "YYY", "YYY");
factType.set(obj, "ZZZ", "XXX");
factType.set(obj, "BBB", "BBB");

WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
System.out.println("After drools execution");
long count = workingMemory.getFactCount();
System.out.println("count " + count);

Everything looks great with the output as below: 一切看起来都很不错,输出如下:

Hello from Drools
After drools execution
count 2

I cannot seem to find a way to get the EligibilityInquiry fact object back in my Java code and get the attributes set in the rule above ( serviceName and status ). 我似乎找不到找到在我的Java代码中获取EligibilityInquiry事实对象并获取上述规则中设置的属性的方法( serviceNamestatus )。 I have used the StatefulSession approach. 我使用了StatefulSession方法。

The properties file has the link to the snapshot with basic authentication via username and password. 属性文件具有通过用户名和密码进行基本身份验证的快照链接。 There are 2 total facts: EligibilityInquiry and Eligibility . 总共有2个事实: EligibilityInquiryEligibility

I am fairly new to drools and any help with the above is appreciated. 我对流口水是相当陌生的,对上述任何帮助都将受到赞赏。

(Note: I fixed the order of statement, a typo ("XX") and removed the comments from the output. Less surprise.) (注意:我固定了语句的顺序,即错字(“ XX”),并从输出中删除了注释。不足为奇。)

This snippet assumes that EligibilityInquiry is also declared in DRL. 此摘要假定EligibilityInquiry中也声明了EligibilityInquiry

FactType eligInqFactType = ruleBase.getFactType("mortgages", "EligibilityInquiry");
Class<?> eligInqClass = eligInqFactType.getFactClass();
ObjectFilter filter = new FilterByClass( eligInqClass );
Collection<Object> eligInqs = workingMemory.getObjects( filter );

And the filter is 过滤器是

public class FilterByClass implements ObjectFilter {
    private Class<?> theClass;
    public FilterByClass( Class<?> clazz ){
        theClass = clazz;
    public boolean accept(Object object){
        return theClass.isInstance( object );

You might also use a query , which takes about the same amount of code. 您可能还会使用query ,它需要大约相同数量的代码。

// DRL code
query "eligInqs" 
    eligInq : EligibilityInquiry()

// after return from fireAllRules
QueryResults results = workingMemory.getQueryResults( "eligInqs" );
for ( QueryResultsRow row : results ) {
    Object eligInqObj = row.get( "eligInq" );
    System.out.println( eligInqClass.cast( eligInqObj ) );

Or you can call workingMemory.getObjects() and iterate the collection and check for the class of each object. 或者,您可以调用workingMemory.getObjects()并迭代该集合并检查每个对象的类。

for( Object obj: workingMemory.getObjects() ){
    if( obj.isInstance( eligInqClass ) ){
        System.out.println( eligInqClass.cast( eligInqObj ) );

Or you can (with or without inserting the created EligibilityInquiry object as a fact) add the fact to a global java.util.List eligInqList and iterate that in your Java code. 或者,您可以(有或没有插入创建的EligibilityInquiry对象作为事实)将事实添加到global java.util.List eligInqList并在Java代码中进行迭代。 Note that the API of StatefulKnowledgeSession is required (instead of WorkingMemory ). 请注意,需要StatefulKnowledgeSession的API(而不是WorkingMemory )。

   // Java - prior to fireAllRules
   StatefulKnowledgeSession kSession() = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();

   List<?> list = new ArrayList();
   kSession.setGlobal( "eligInqList", list );

   // DRL
   global java.util.List eligInqList;

   // in a rule
       EligibilityInquiry fact0 = new EligibilityInquiry(); 
       fact0.setServiceName( "ABCD" ); 
       fact0.setMemberStatus( true ); 
       insert(fact0 );  
       eligInqList.add( fact0 ); 

   // after return from fireAllRules
   for( Object elem: list ){
    System.out.println( eligInqClass.cast( elem ) );

Probably an embarras de richesses. 可能是一个尴尬的富裕阶层。

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