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[英]Trying to install Eclipse w/ ADT plugin

I'm really not savvy with the minute details of whatever kinds of files so I'll try explaining my problem the best I can. 我真的不了解任何类型文件的详细信息,因此我将尽力解释我的问题。

I'm trying to install Eclipse with the Android Development Tools plugin. 我正在尝试使用Android开发工具插件安装Eclipse。 I have a 64 bit windows 8 machine, and I downloaded both the JRE7 and Eclipse in 64 bit. 我有一台64位的Windows 8计算机,并且以64位下载了JRE7和Eclipse。 When I try to start Eclipse, It says there no java virtual machine found at C:\\Users\\XXXXX\\Downloads\\eclipse\\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\\eclipse\\jre\\bin\\javaw.exe 当我尝试启动Eclipse时,它说在C:\\ Users \\ XXXXX \\ Downloads \\ eclipse \\ adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702 \\ eclipse \\ jre \\ bin \\ javaw.exe中找不到Java虚拟机

I read something else about tweaking the eclipse.ini file but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. 我读过其他有关调整eclipse.ini文件的信息,但我完全不知道自己在做什么。 Here's what my .ini file looks like. 这是我的.ini文件的样子。 What should I do? 我该怎么办?




Install Java JDK and also set path in System Variables. 安装Java JDK,并在“系统变量”中设置路径 Since the error specifically says that no Java virtual machine found, this could be the solution 由于该错误专门表明没有找到Java虚拟机,因此这可能是解决方案

Download it from here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html 从这里下载它http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html

Don't forget to set path in System Variables and once done type javac in command prompt. 不要忘记在系统变量中设置路径,完成后在命令提示符下键入javac。 If it is recognized try launching eclipse again. 如果可以识别,请再次尝试启动Eclipse。 Maybe this solves the problem 也许这可以解决问题

If your installing plugins through Eclipse, it might help to run Eclipse as administrator and then try installing the plugin. 如果通过Eclipse安装插件,以管理员身份运行Eclipse,然后尝试安装插件可能会有所帮助。 Worked for me when i had problems installing plugins through Eclipse on windows. 当我在Windows上无法通过Eclipse安装插件时,为我工作。

In your eclipse.ini file make sure you are pointing -vm to your jdk installation. 在eclipse.ini文件中,确保将-vm指向jdk安装。

EDIT: -vm needs to be the first entry in eclipse.ini file. 编辑:-vm需要是eclipse.ini文件中的第一个条目。

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