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如何创建函数以根据VBA EXCEL中的单元格值隐藏行

[英]How to create a function to hide rows based on a cell value in VBA EXCEL

I created this function to hide some rows based on a cell value. 我创建了此函数以根据单元格值隐藏一些行。

Function myTest(Unit As String)
    If Unit = "XXX" Then
        Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
        Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
        myTest= "1"
    End If
End Function

When the unit value is not "XXX" the functions works fine, but when it is "XXX", the cell that calls this function gets #VALUE! 当单位值不是“ XXX”时,功能可以正常工作,但是当单位值为“ XXX”时,调用此功能的单元格将获得#VALUE!

If you care about returning whether the cells are now hidden, then you can keep it as a function. 如果您关心返回现在是否隐藏了单元格,则可以将其保留为函数。 Otherwise make it a Sub and get rid of the myTest = ... line below. 否则,使其成为Sub并摆脱下面的myTest = ...行。 Selecting cells in VBA is almost always an awful idea. 在VBA中选择单元几乎总是一个糟糕的主意。 It is unreliable, buggy, and a huge slowdown. 这是不可靠的,有故障的,并且速度非常慢。 The following code is the most concise function I can give you to do this. 以下代码是我可以为您提供的最简洁的功能。 It directly applies the True/False evaluation of Unit = "XXX" to the Hidden property of the rows. 它将Unit = "XXX"的True / False评估直接应用于行的Hidden属性。 I added an explicit Boolean return type. 我添加了一个明确的布尔返回类型。

Function myTest(Unit As String) As Boolean
    ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet5").Rows("15:16").EntireRow.Hidden = (Unit = "XXX")
    myTest = Not (Unit = "XXX")
End Function

To stay closer to your structure you could use a range object: 为了更接近您的结构,您可以使用范围对象:

Function myTest(Unit As String) As String
    Dim rng As Range
    rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TESTING").Rows("15:16")
    If Unit = "XXX" Then
        rng.EntireRow.Hidden = True
        myTest = "0"
        rng.EntireRow.Hidden = False
        myTest= "1"
    End If
End Function

Or you could use a With block: 或者,您可以使用With块:

Function myTest(Unit As String) As String
    With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("TESTING").Rows("15:16")
        If Unit = "XXX" Then
            .EntireRow.Hidden = True
            myTest = "0"
            .EntireRow.Hidden = False
            myTest= "1"
        End If
    End With
End Function

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