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如何使用扩展方法在.NET Entity Framework中的多个列上联接?

[英]How to join on multiple columns in .NET Entity Framework with extension methods?

I am trying to perform a query like this: 我正在尝试执行这样的查询:

FROM pd AS p
JOIN wh AS w
ON p.ID = w.ID
AND p.ln = w.ln
AND p.wID = w.WID
WHERE w.zID = '1234'

So far I can access the tables like this: 到目前为止,我可以像这样访问表:

WEntity entity = new WEntity();
// I can call the entities like this: entity.pd and entity.wh.

I googled and found examples with one column, eg. 我用谷歌搜索并找到带有一栏的示例,例如。

var data = entity.pd
                       p => p.ID,
                       w => w.ID,
                       (p, w) => p).Where( ... );


post = (From ca In db.be_Categories Join c In db.be_PostCategory On ca.CategoryID Equals (c.CategoryID) Join p In db.be_Posts On c.PostID Equals (p.PostId) Where p.PostRowID = id Select New PostDTO With {.PostCategory = Nothing, .PostDateCreated = p.DateCreated, .PostGuid = p.PostId, .PostId = p.PostRowID, .PostText = p.PostContent, .PostTitle = p.Title}).FirstOrDefault

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