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[英]JSP Form with variable object

I am using spring 我正在用弹簧

I have a configuration object that has 7 unique users. 我有一个具有7个唯一用户的配置对象。 It looks like this. 看起来像这样。

public class Configuration extends Entity {
    private Long accountId;
    private String name;
    private String type;
    private User Admin;
    private User Owner;
    private User Dev;
    private User Rec;
    private User Valet;
    private User Manager;
    private User Region;

Now I am populating this objecting inside of my controller and I am handing it through to a JSP. 现在,我将这个对象填充到控制器内部,并将其传递给JSP。

In the JSP I am trying to populate a form but I am having a hard time getting the variables right. 在JSP中,我试图填充一个表单,但是很难正确设置变量。 My form looks like this: 我的表格如下所示:

<form:form method="post" action="/configuration/${configuration.id}" modelAttribute="configuration">

<form:input type="text" path="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Main Window"/>
<form:errors path="name" cssClass="help-inline alert-error"/>

<form:select path="active" class="form-control">
                <form:option value="true">ON</form:option>
                <form:option value="false">OFF</form:option>
<form:errors path="active" cssClass="help-inline alert-error"/>

All users have these two variables however other than these two variables they are very different. 所有用户都具有这两个变量,但是除了这两个变量之外,它们是非常不同的。 QUESTION: Can anyone give me an idea as to how I am supposed to refer to these objects within the configuration? 问题:谁能给我一个关于我应该如何在配置中引用这些对象的想法?

For example: <form:select path="Admin.active" class="form-control"> ? 例如: <form:select path="Admin.active" class="form-control">吗?

It is safe to assume I have handed a complete configuration to the jsp. 可以肯定地说我已经将完整的配置交给了jsp。

Turns out my question was more of an example. 原来我的问题更像是一个例子。 I had some configuration issues which is what caused my problems. 我遇到了一些配置问题,这就是导致我遇到问题的原因。 Problem solved! 问题解决了! Hope this helps someone. 希望这对某人有帮助。

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