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[英]Form Based authetication passing variable to JSP

We are using a form based authentication and below is the snippet from web.xml 

  <auth-method> FORM </auth-method>

And i do have a loginfilter that processes the authentication. 而且我确实有一个登录过滤器来处理身份验证。 So if the authentication fails i also want to send a error code to jsp to display error message. 因此,如果身份验证失败,我也想向jsp发送错误代码以显示错误消息。 Since the HttpRequest is not carried over to the JSP page when authentication fails i cannot send the variable by putting in http request . 由于认证失败时HttpRequest不会传递到JSP页面,因此我无法通过放置http request来发送变量。

is there a alternate way to pass a variable to the login-errore jsp page ? 有没有另一种方法可以将变量传递给登录错误的jsp页面?

Instead through a parameter, you should put your data in the HttpRequest through an attribute : 而是通过参数,应通过属性将数据放入HttpRequest

// In the filter:
request.setAttribute("name", new MyObject());

// In the JSP:
MyObject obj=(MyObject)request.getAttribute("name");

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