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计算Windows Mobile / CE设备上的当前CPU使用率

[英]Calculating the current CPU usage on a Windows Mobile/CE device

In the core system there is no single call which retrieves the CPU usage for the whole system. 在核心系统中,没有单个调用可以检索整个系统的CPU使用率。 From what I can find online with bits and pieces of sample code I need to calculate this total % but I cant get my head around the Math involved and im hoping someone can help on that front. 从网上可以找到的样本代码片段中,我需要计算出这总百分比,但是我无法理解数学,希望有人在这方面有所帮助。

Im writing this in C# and pinvoking some functions to get thread timings. 我用C#编写了此代码,并添加了一些函数来获取线程计时。 Below is the code ive got so far. 下面是到目前为止的代码。 For each running thread I can get the timings with GetThreadTick and GetThreadTimings. 对于每个正在运行的线程,我都可以使用GetThreadTick和GetThreadTimings获得计时。 I just cant think how these values will help me calculate the % CPU usage. 我只是不认为这些值将如何帮助我计算%CPU使用率。

Im also aware that any calculation I do will affect the CPU usage itself. 我还知道,我所做的任何计算都会影响CPU使用率本身。

    public static int Calc()
        int dwCurrentThreadTime1 = 0;
        int dwCurrentThreadTime2 = 0;

        FILETIME ftCreationTime = new FILETIME();
        FILETIME ftExitTime = new FILETIME();
        FILETIME ftKernelTime = new FILETIME();
        FILETIME ftUserTime = new FILETIME();
        THREADENTRY32 te32 = new THREADENTRY32();

        IntPtr hsnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS | TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0);
        if (hsnapshot == IntPtr.Zero)
            return -1;

        pe32.dwSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(pe32);
        te32.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(te32);

        int retval = Process32First(hsnapshot, ref pe32);

        while (retval == 1)
            int retval2 = Thread32First(hsnapshot, ref te32);

            while(retval2 == 1)
                if (te32.th32OwnerProcessID == pe32.th32ProcessID)
                    int dwCurrentTickTime1 = GetTickCount();
                    GetThreadTimes((IntPtr)te32.th32ThreadID, ref ftCreationTime, ref ftExitTime, ref ftKernelTime, ref ftUserTime);

                    GetThreadTick(ref ftKernelTime, ref ftUserTime);
                retval2 = Thread32Next(hsnapshot, ref te32);
            retval = Process32Next(hsnapshot, ref pe32);
        return dwCurrentThreadTime1;

You can use GetIdleTime or CeGetIdleTimeEx (single core or multi-core version) to get the time the CPU has spent in idle state and use this value to calculate the load percentage of the CPU (or each core). 您可以使用GetIdleTime或CeGetIdleTimeEx(单核或多核版本)来获取CPU在空闲状态下所花费的时间,并使用该值来计算CPU(或每个核)的负载百分比。 This function requires that the BSP supports idle counters, if this support is missing in the BSP you will not get meaningful values. 此功能要求BSP支持空闲计数器,如果BSP中缺少此支持,则不会获得有意义的值。

In my cpumon I use GetThreadTick for user and kernel time spent for all threads and build a sum for all processes: http://www.hjgode.de/wp/2012/12/14/mobile-development-a-remote-cpu-monitor-and-cpu-usage-analysis/ 在我的cpumon中,我将GetThreadTick用于所有线程花费的用户和内核时间,并为所有进程建立一个总和: http ://www.hjgode.de/wp/2012/12/14/mobile-development-a-remote-cpu -monitor-和CPU的使用率分析/

code snippet: 代码段:

    /// <summary>
    /// build thread and process list periodically and fire update event and enqueue results for the socket thread
    /// </summary>
    void usageThread()
            int interval = 3000;

            uint start = Process.GetTickCount();
            Dictionary<uint, thread> old_thread_List;// = Process.GetThreadList();

            string exeFile = Process.exefile;
            //read all processes
            Dictionary<uint, process> ProcList = Process.getProcessNameList();
            DateTime dtCurrent = DateTime.Now;

            //######### var declarations
            Dictionary<uint, thread> new_ThreadList;
            uint duration;
            long system_total;
            long user_total, kernel_total;      //total process spend in user/kernel
            long thread_user, thread_kernel;    //times the thread spend in user/kernel
            DWORD dwProc;
            float user_percent;
            float kernel_percent;    
            ProcessStatistics.process_usage usage;
            ProcessStatistics.process_statistics stats = null;

            string sProcessName = "";
            List<thread> processThreadList = new List<thread>();

            //extended list
            List<threadStatistic> processThreadStatsList = new List<threadStatistic>(); //to store thread stats
            while (!bStopMainThread)
                old_thread_List = Process.GetThreadList();  //build a list of threads with user and kernel times


                //get a new thread list
                new_ThreadList = Process.GetThreadList();   //build another list of threads with user and kernel times, to compare

                duration = Process.GetTickCount() - start;

                ProcList = Process.getProcessNameList();    //update process list
                dtCurrent = DateTime.Now;
                system_total = 0;
                //look thru all processes
                foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, process> p2 in ProcList)
                    //empty the process's thread list
                    processThreadList=new List<thread>();
                    processThreadStatsList = new List<threadStatistic>();

                    user_total     = 0;  //hold sum of thread user times for a process
                    kernel_total   = 0;  //hold sum of thread kernel times for a process
                    sProcessName = p2.Value.sName;

                    //SUM over all threads with that ProcID
                    dwProc = p2.Value.dwProcID;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, thread> kpNew in new_ThreadList)
                        thread_user = 0;
                        thread_kernel = 0;
                        //if the thread belongs to the process
                        if (kpNew.Value.dwOwnerProcID == dwProc)
                            //is there an old thread entry we can use to calc?
                            thread threadOld;
                            if (old_thread_List.TryGetValue(kpNew.Value.dwThreadID, out threadOld))
                                thread_user=Process.GetThreadTick(kpNew.Value.thread_times.user) - Process.GetThreadTick(old_thread_List[kpNew.Value.dwThreadID].thread_times.user);
                                user_total += thread_user;
                                thread_kernel =Process.GetThreadTick(kpNew.Value.thread_times.kernel) - Process.GetThreadTick(old_thread_List[kpNew.Value.dwThreadID].thread_times.kernel);
                                kernel_total += thread_kernel;
                            //simple list
                            thread threadsOfProcess = new thread(kpNew.Value.dwOwnerProcID, kpNew.Value.dwThreadID, kpNew.Value.thread_times);

                            //extended list
                            threadStatistic threadStats = 
                                new threadStatistic(
                                    new threadtimes(thread_user, thread_kernel), 

                        }//if dwProcID matches
                    //end of sum for process
                    user_percent      = (float)user_total / (float)duration * 100f;
                    kernel_percent    = (float)kernel_total / (float)duration * 100f;
                    system_total = user_total + kernel_total;

                    // update the statistics with this process' info
                    usage = new ProcessStatistics.process_usage(kernel_total, user_total);
                    // update process statistics
                    stats = new ProcessStatistics.process_statistics(p2.Value.dwProcID, p2.Value.sName, usage, dtCurrent.Ticks, duration, processThreadStatsList);

                    //add or update the proc stats
                    if (exeFile != p2.Value.sName || bIncludeMySelf)
                        statisticsTimes[p2.Value.sName] = stats;

                    start = Process.GetTickCount();
                }//foreach process

                onUpdateHandler(new ProcessStatsEventArgs(statisticsTimes, duration));
            }//while true
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ThreadAbortException: usageThread(): " + ex.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception: usageThread(): " + ex.Message);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Thread ENDED");

The calculation to obtain the idle time for the whole system is documented on MSDN . MSDN上记录了获得整个系统空闲时间的计算。

Here's a C# sample: 这是一个C#示例:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;

class Program
    static void Main()
            uint startTick = GetTickCount();
            uint startIdle = GetIdleTime();


            uint stopTick = GetTickCount();
            uint stopIdle = GetIdleTime();

            uint percentIdle = (100 * (stopIdle - startIdle)) / stopTick - startTick);

            Console.WriteLine("CPU idle {0}%", percentIdle);

    static extern uint GetTickCount();

    static extern uint GetIdleTime();

And the equivalent C/C++ implementation: 以及等效的C / C ++实现:

#include "windows.h"

        DWORD startTick = GetTickCount();
        DWORD startIdle = GetIdleTime();


        DWORD stopTick = GetTickCount();
        DWORD stopIdle = GetIdleTime();

        DWORD percentIdle = (100 * (stopIdle - startIdle)) / (stopTick - startTick);

        _tprintf(L"CPU idle %d%%\r\n", percentIdle);

    return 0;

On most CE platforms, performing this calculation just once every second has an absolutely negligible overhead. 在大多数CE平台上,每秒执行一次此计算的开销绝对可以忽略不计。

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