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在Windows CE上处理用法

[英]Handle usage on Windows CE

I need to monitor handle usage on a Windows CE box. 我需要监视Windows CE盒上的句柄用法。

Essentially I want to be able to see handle usage over time to tell if my applications / services are leaking handles (which I believe they are). 本质上,我希望能够随着时间的推移查看句柄的使用情况,以判断我的应用程序/服务是否泄漏了句柄(我相信它们)。

Any example code would be great. 任何示例代码都很棒。

While it is not exactly what you are looking for, I can recommend a little tool that we are using called CodeSnitch ( http://www.entrek.com/codesnitch.html ). 虽然它并不是您要找的东西,但是我可以推荐一个我们正在使用的小工具CodeSnitch( http://www.entrek.com/codesnitch.html )。 It will instrument your code and keep track allocation and de-allocation of resources, including handles. 它将检测您的代码并跟踪资源的分配和取消分配,包括句柄。 I have used it to clean up several of our applications with great success. 我用它来清理我们几个应用程序的大获成功。 You can download a 2 week trial version to try it out. 您可以下载2周的试用版进行试用。

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