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Windows CE 7仿真器和编程

[英]Windows CE 7 Emulator and Programming

My company is thinking of switching to these handheld units: https://www.barcodesinc.com/motorola/part-mc32n0-gi4hcheia.htm#specs They run off of Windows Embedded Compact 7. I have been tasked with programming an inventory management solution. 我的公司正在考虑切换到这些手持设备: https : //www.barcodesinc.com/motorola/part-mc32n0-gi4hcheia.htm#specs它们从Windows Embedded Compact 7上运行。我受命编写库存管理程序。解。 I do have C# .NET experience, but no experience with Compact Framework(CF), so I have a few questions. 我确实有C#.NET经验,但是没有使用Compact Framework(CF)的经验,所以我有几个问题。

  1. Do I have to use VS 2012 with CF 3.9 or can I use a newer version of VS? 我是否必须将VS 2012与CF 3.9一起使用,还是可以使用更新版本的VS?
  2. Is there an emulator that could run Embedded Compact so that I could give a demo of the software without buying the device? 是否有可以运行Embedded Compact的仿真器,以便我可以在不购买设备的情况下进行软件演示?

You'll have to use Visual Studio 2008, I'm afraid. 恐怕您必须使用Visual Studio 2008。

As for getting an emulator running try this: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj200348(v=winembedded.70).aspx 至于让模拟器运行,请尝试以下操作: https : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/jj200348(v=winembedded.70).aspx

Source: I'm a mobile dev thats worked on CE 5, WM 6 and WM 6.5 (but not 7) 资料来源:我是一位移动开发人员,曾在CE 5,WM 6和WM 6.5(但不是7)上工作过

(Just as a side opinion, CE is dead/dying. And it's pretty horrible to work on/support as a developer. GOOD LUCK!) (只是附带的意见,CE已经死了/快死了。以开发人员的身份从事工作/提供支持非常可怕。祝您好运!)

Windows CE 7.0 only supports .NET CF 2.0 and 3.5, and the latest Visual Studio version that will work is VS2008. Windows CE 7.0仅支持.NET CF 2.0和3.5,并且可以运行的最新Visual Studio版本是VS2008。

This answer gives a great overview of which Windows CE, .NET Compact Framework and Visual Studio versions go together. 该答案很好地概述了哪些Windows CE,.NET Compact Framework和Visual Studio版本一起使用。

Which emulator to use depends on your desktop environment: 使用哪种模拟器取决于您的桌面环境:

  • If you are on Windows 7, the way to go is Microsoft Virtual PC . 如果您使用的是Windows 7,则应该使用Microsoft Virtual PC
  • On newer versions of desktop Windows you can use Hyper-V. 在较新版本的桌面Windows上,您可以使用Hyper-V。

There's an emulator Getting Started guide here on MSDN . MSDN上有一个模拟器入门指南 It's written for WEC2013, but will work for CE7.0 as well. 它是为WEC2013编写的,但也适用于CE7.0。

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