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[英]How to decode a webpage response in python

I decoded the gzip enecoding doing like this: 我对gzip enecoding进行了解码,如下所示:

gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=wepage_response)
decoded_str = str(gzipper)

and now the decoded_str looks like this: 现在,decoded_str看起来像这样:

<gzip 0\x82\x01\xcb\n\x01
81\xb6\xbbb\x1a\xbaZ\x81/\x18\x0f20140804010112Z0k0 ....>

How do I interpret this? 我该怎么解释?

Thank you 谢谢

You need to read() the content from your gzipper instance: 您需要从gzipper实例中read()内容:

import gzip
from cStringIO import StringIO

webpage_response = '\x1f\x8b\x08\x08\xe6|\xdfS\x00\x03test.txt\x00\xcb\xc8T(\xc9H-J\xe5\x02\x00\xb6\x0b\x88\x9b\t\x00\x00\x00'
gzipper = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(webpage_response))
decompressed_str = gzipper.read()

>>> decompressed_str
'hi there\n'

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