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[英]Python decode AMF response

I'm making a request in python to a web service which returns AMF. 我在python中向一个返回AMF的Web服务发出请求。 I don't know if it's AMF0 or AMF3 yet. 我不知道它是AMF0还是AMF3。

r = requests.post(url, data=data)
>>> r.text

( Full data here ) 这里的完整数据

How can I take r.text and convert it to a python object or similar? 如何获取r.text并将其转换为python对象或类似对象? I found amfast but it's Decoder class returns a 3.131513074181806e-294 assuming AMF0 and None for AMF3. 我发现amfast但它的Decoder类返回3.131513074181806e-294假设AMF0为AMF0而None (Both incorrect) (两者都不正确)

from amfast.decoder import Decoder
decoder = Decoder(amf3=False)
obj = decoder.decode(StringIO.StringIO(r.text))

have u tried PyAMF. 你试过PyAMF吗?

from pyamf import remoting

I see two problems with your code, the first is using r.text to return binary data. 我看到你的代码有两个问题,第一个是使用r.text来返回二进制数据。 Use r.content instead. 请改用r.content The second problem is using decoder.decode method, which decodes one object and not a packet. 第二个问题是使用decoder.decode方法,它解码一个对象而不是数据包。 Use decoder.decode_packet instead. 请改用decoder.decode_packet

from amfast.decoder import Decoder
decoder = Decoder(amf3=True)
obj = decoder.decode_packet(r.content)

Using Pyamf works as well, using r.content . 使用Pyamf也可以使用r.content

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