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[英]Loop through array grouping indexes by value within that array (PHP)

I wish to create a list of items from an array, grouped by a value within that array. 我希望根据数组中的值创建一个数组中的项的列表。

Take this array: 取这个数组:

$people = array(
    0 => array(
         "Forename" => "Jim",
         "Surname"  => "Smith"
    1 => array(
         "Forename" => "Mike",
         "Surname"  => "Johnson"
    2 => array(
         "Forename" => "Kim",
         "Surname"  => "Smith"
    3 => array(
         "Forename" => "Paul",
         "Surname"  => "Jones"

Specifically I'd like to run a foreach on $people , grouping them by unique surname. 具体来说,我想在$people上运行foreach ,并按唯一的姓氏对它们进行分组。 ie the desired output would be: 即所需的输出将是:

    <optgroup label="Smith">
    <optgroup label="Johnson">
    <optgroup label="Jones">

I'm struggling to come up with anything vaguely efficient and the Google gods aren't watching over me today :( What's the best approach for such a use-case in PHP? 我正在努力想出任何效率不高的解决方案,而Google众神今天也没有注意我:(PHP中这种用例的最佳方法是什么?

$surnames = array();
foreach($people as $person) {
    $surnames[$person['surname']][] = $person;

This code stores all persons in an array grouped by their surnames. 此代码将所有人员存储在按姓氏分组的数组中。

The resulting array: 结果数组:

 'smith' => array(
   0 => array(
     "Forename" => "Jim",
     "Surname"  => "Smith"
   1 => array(
     "Forename" => "Kim",
     "Surname"  => "Smith"
 'jones' => array(
   0 => array(
     "Forename" => "Paul",
     "Surname"  => "Jones"

I would do this way: 我会这样:

$grouped = array();

foreach ($people as $p){
    if (!array_key_exist($p["Surname"], $grouped)){
        $grouped[$p["Surname"]] = array();
    $grouped[$p["Surname"]][] = $p;

I've added one more duplicate person: 我又添加了一个重复的人:

    4 => array
        "Forename" => "Kim",
        "Surname"  => "Smith"

this is how you filter array : 这是过滤数组的方式:

$uniqueNames = array();

foreach($people as $person)
    $uniqueNames[$person['Surname']][] = $person['Forename'];

if however you also need Forename to be unique, you can do it like this: 但是,如果您还需要唯一的Forename ,则可以这样:

$uniqueNames = array_map
        if (is_array($arrayItem))
            return array_unique($arrayItem);
    , $uniqueNames

Also I've made some easy functions to generate html code: 另外,我已经做了一些简单的函数来生成html代码:

function htmlSelect($name, $optionsData, $selectedItem = null)
    $str = "\n<select name='$name' id='select-$name'>";

    foreach ($optionsData as $k => $value_s)
            $str .= htmlOptgroup($k, $value_s);
            $selected = ($selectedItem && $selectedItem == $k);
            $str .= "\n\t".htmlOption($value_s, $k, $selected);

    $str .= "\n</select>";

    return $str;

function htmlOptgroup($label, $optionsData, $selectedItem = null)
    $str = "\n\t<optgroup label='$label'>";

    foreach ($optionsData as $k => $value)
        $selected = ($selectedItem && $selectedItem == $k);
        $str .= "\n\t\t".htmlOption($value, $k, $selected);

    $str .= "\n\t</optgroup>";

    return $str;

function htmlOption($display, $value, $selected = false)
    $selectedStr = $selected ? " selected='selected'" : "" ;

    return "<option$selectedStr value='$value'>$display</option>";

these functions can easily move to static class for html . 这些函数可以轻松地移到html静态类。

finally you call: 最后你打电话给:

echo htmlSelect('unique-surnames', $uniqueNames);

I swear when I started there was no any answers :d 我发誓起步时没有任何回答:d

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