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[英]Create an instance of derived class from the base class

I have my abstract base class A : 我有我的抽象基类A

public abstract class A : ICloneable {

    public int Min { get; protected set; }
    public int Max { get; protected set; }

    public A(int low, int high)
        this.Min = low;
        this.Max = high;


    public object Clone()
        return new this(this.Min, this.Max); //<-- ??

Which is extended by my class B : 我的B级扩展了哪个:

public class B : A
    public B(int low, int high) : base(low, high) { }


Since A is abstract, it cannot be instantiated, but the derived class can. 由于A是抽象的,因此无法实例化,但派生类可以。 Is it possible to, from class A , create a new instance of class B ? 是否可以从A类创建B类的新实例?

Suppose class A has many derived classes, how will it know which one to instantiate? 假设类A有许多派生类,它将如何知道实例化哪一个?

Well, I want to instantiate the same class (or type) my currently A is. 好吧,我想实例化我目前A的同一个类(或类型)。

That is, if I'm calling the Clone method from a class B , I want to instantiate a new B . 也就是说,如果我从B类调用Clone方法,我想实例化一个新的B. If I'm calling the Clone method from a class C , I want to instantiate a new C . 如果我从C类调用Clone方法,我想实例化一个新的C。

My approach was to write something like: 我的方法是写一些类似于:

return new this(this.Min, this.Max);

But that doesn't seem to work nor compile. 但这似乎不起作用也不编译。

Is it possible to accomplish this in C# ? 是否有可能在C#中实现这一目标?

If it isn't, is there an explanation so I can understand? 如果不是,是否有解释所以我能理解?

Yes, this is possible with an abstract factory method on your base class 是的,这可以通过基类上的抽象工厂方法实现

public abstract class A
   public int Min { get; protected set; }
   public int Max { get; protected set; }

   public A(int low, int high)
       this.Min = low;
       this.Max = high;
   protected abstract A CreateInstance(int low, int high);

   public object Clone()
      return this.CreateInstance(this.Min,this.Max);

public class B:A
   public B(int low, int high)
      : base(low,high)
   protected override A CreateInstance(int low, int high)
      return new B(low,high);     

While I like Jamiec solution, I'm missing dirty solution using reflection :) 虽然我喜欢Jamiec解决方案,但我错过了使用反射的脏解决方案:)

public class A {
  public object Clone() {
    var type = GetType().GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });
    return type.Invoke(new object[] { this.Min, this.Max });

This can be done and your current approach is a well defined design pattern, though most implementations make the Clone an abstract virtual method and override it in all subclasses. 这可以完成,您当前的方法是一个定义良好的设计模式,但大多数实现使Clone成为一个抽象的虚方法,并在所有子类中覆盖它。

public abstract class A
    public abstract A Clone( );

public class B : A
    public override A Clone( )
        return new B( );

public class C : A
    public override A Clone( )
        return new C( );

Since you are using C# you could make use of the Activator class. 由于您使用的是C#,因此可以使用Activator类。 You can make the Clone method virtual (not === abstract) with a default implementation of. 您可以使用默认实现将Clone方法设为虚拟(不是=== abstract)。

public abstract class A
    public virtual A Clone( )
        // assuming your derived class contain a default constructor.
        return (A)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType( ));

Edit - If you do not have a default parameter-less constructor in all of your derived classes, you can add parameters to the Activator.CreateInstance method 编辑 -如果在所有派生类中没有默认的无参数构造函数,则可以向Activator.CreateInstance方法添加参数

(A)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType( ), this.Min, this.Max);

For varying constructors on the derived types I would recommend you override the Clone method specifically for those types instead of using the default implementation of Clone . 对于派生类型的不同构造函数,我建议您专门为这些类型重写Clone方法,而不是使用Clone的默认实现。

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